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5 years later

Well, I lost that bet. But I do love my daughter Lydia. She's my sarcastic little baby. "How was school?"

She had a huge smile on her face. "It was really fun. We got to color for recess and I lost my first tooth. See?" She said showing me her mouth.

"I see. Where's your tooth?" I asked.

"Under my pillow so the tooth fairy can get it." She said in excitement. After a couple minutes of playing a game she started giggling the author giggle she does.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked smiling.

"I don't know." She says giggling more.

"Well little girls who- ah!" I screamed when Stuart came up behind me and scared me. "Hi baby. I thought you didn't get out until later today." I said giving him a hug.

"Well I got out early so I could spend time with my girls." He said also smiling."Where'd your tooth go?" He said to Lydia.

"I lost it. Where are your glasses?" She asked curiously.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She nodded enthusiastically. "They-"

"They're fake." I says and she fake gasped.

"You interrupted dad. Dad now she has to get tickled." She said running after me.

"You'll never catch me alive." I said laughing. When we finished running and sat down while Stuart day there smiling. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Just wondering how I got this from being an ass." Lydia gasped. He looked at me scared.

"Ooh, dad swore. You know what this means mommy?"

"I think I do." I said seriously making Stuart gulp. We both rasberried him on the cheek. "Bad Stuart." We all just sat there laughing.


I'm literally in love with this gif. But anyway. That was the end of the book. I hope you all enjoyed. P.s I love all of you❤❤❤✌✌✌✌

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