Bet on it

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When we finally woke up it was about five. Every fucking day. Why can't I sleep in? Ugh, whatever. My dad was in the kitchen so I blocked the only doorway so he couldn't leave. I cleared my throat so he would look at us. "You can't avoid us again. we are going to talk about this. Actually, no. I'm going to talk and you are going to listen." I said as he sat down.

"I got advise from a very wise, loving woman yesterday. She said if you can't handle who I'm dating, then I shouldn't care because I love him. You know who gave me that advise? Mom did. She loved you and she didn't let her father get in the way of that. And I'm not going to let you get in the way of me and Stuart. So can either deal with it, or I'll be gone in five." I moved to the side to show my empty suit cases, but I wasn't going to let him know they were empty.

"You remind me so much of your mother." He said letting his eyes tear up. "Did she really say that on her video she told me to give to you."

I nodded my head and hugged him. I also started to let my eyes tear up. "Wanna know what else she told me." He hummed a 'what' in response. "She also said to let me get a car."

"Nice try." He he said in his normal tone.

"Damn." I whispered. I nudged Stuart to join the hug. He just shook his head, but my dad pulled him in. We all pulled apart. "How about you get to know Stuart at this one pizza place he was telling me about.


Today is the day we find out. The day we find out who the new interns are. "Y/N! STUART IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!" my dad yelled from the door. I ran down the stairs.

"Bye dad have a good day. Also, was it really necessary to yell?" I didn't let him answer before we left saying bye again. Before we got up to the building Stuart's team, crew, whatever you want to call it, was waiting for him.

"Stuart let's go." Neha said. Stuart just looked at me and I nodded.

"I have to get work finished anyway." We both kissed then parted ways.

After I got up to the library Laura and I started talking. I didn't really have work to do, I just didn't want him to feel bad, and he was kinda starting to annoy me. He always annoys me with his cute sarcasm. Laura looked at her phone, "You ready to go?" She asked. "We're already late though." She added.

"Yeah, nobody wanted to hear his annoying speech anyway." I said, but as soon as we arrived I was sure we were hella late because they were throwing pizza. Me and Staurt made eye contact as he threw me a piece of pizza. I just gave him a loving smile and rolled my eyes as I started laughing.

"I bet that in five years, you and him are going to have a lovely sarcastic little kid." Laura said in my ear.

"Let's bet on it." I said and we shook on it.

After the whatever you want to call what just happened ended my dad and I had thrown surprise party for Stuart and his team.

We all walked in and my dad and laura and the rest of the workers yelled"CONGRATULATIONS!!!" And we continued the party hoping nothing would change.


So this is technically the last chapter, but I will upload one more for the epilogue. Let's find out who wins the bet together :-P

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