"Ummm.......we uh we just wanted to ask about you and uh you and Luke." Kirstie asked.
"What about Luke and I?" I asked.
"Well more with all the boys but more so Luke." Avi said.
"Okay so what about them?" I said a little louder.
"Why uh. Do you prefer them over us?" Kirstie asked.
"I grew up with them. More so Luke. I have known them a lot longer." I said.
"So you prefer them over us?" Kirstie asked me again.
"Why does this matter?" My voice getting louder.
"It's just we do-" Kevin started but I cut him off.
"Don't want me to leave you for them. Don't want me to see them. Don't want me to...... to love them." I said but the last part came our as a whisper. "It's fine I get it. I'll stay away from them. You don't have to worry about it anymore." I said running out of my room.
I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I kept running until I saw someone in the distance. I turned down the closest street and ran. I kept running. I stopped to catch my breath. That however was a mistake. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Luke.
"I'm sorry." I said starting to cry.
He pulled me into a hug. "For what?" He asked.
"I can't. I'm sorry." I said getting out of his grip and running home.
When I get home the cars in the driveway are gone. But I know someone probably stayed behind in case I came home. I walked around to the back yard. I opened the back door. I looked around to make sure no one was there. I ran to my room and closed the door and locked it.
"Kara is that you?" I heard Mitch's voice yell upstairs.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled back.
Mitch's POV
I heard a door shut from upstairs. I looked at the back door and it was wide open. I closed it.
"Kara is that you?" I yelled upstairs.
"Leave me alone!" she yelled back.
I walked away from the stairs and called Kirstie. (Kirstie and Kevin are in one car and Scott and Avi are in the other.)
(Italics=Mitch Bold=Kirstie)
Hey Kirstie.
What's up. Is Kara home?
Yeah she locked herself in her room.
Okay we are on my way home.
She ended the call and I called Scott.
(Italics=Mitch Bold= Scott)
Scott. Kara is home.
Alright we are on our way back.
I heard a knock so I went to go see who was at the door. I opened the door and Luke was there.
"I need to see Kara." He said desperation clearly in his voice.
"She locked herself in her room." I told him.
"Can I try to get her to come out? I need to talk to her." He pleaded.
"You can try." He ran past me and up the stairs.
Authors Note.Hola people who are reading this story. The picture at the top is just a random picture of Luke.