"Okay" Mitch stands up and offers me his hand, which I gladly accept.
We walk downstairs and I look at the person standing there.
"I can't believe your here." I said walking up to my friend and hugging her.
"I had to come see you and ask you something now that you're adopted." My friend Victoria said.
"Ask me what?" I questioned.
"We want you to be on a few episodes of The Next Step. What do you say?" She asks.
"Who's we?" I ask.
"Us." Everyone one of my friends on The Next Step stepped out from behind a wall.
"I don't know what to say........um. Mitch can I?" I say turning to him.
"Uh.....sure. Why not." He says.
"Thank yo-oh no." I say looking down.
"What?" Kirstie asked.
"What about Luke? I mean he asked me out what do I do?" I say panicking a bit.
"Kars don't worry we start shooting in a week." My one friend Trevor says.
I open my mouth to speak and someone rings the doorbell. Avi leaves to go awnser it."So Luke asked you out?" Ceirra said.
"And you said yes?" Isaac added
"Shut up you guys." I warned.
"Kara....I think you should see this!" Avi yelled from the front door.
All of us walked over to the door and Luke was standing there. He had a black eye and a cut lip. He had a scratch on his left cheek.
"Luke wh-what happen?" I asked touching his lip slightly causing him to wince in pain.
"I got in a fight." He said
"No shit sherlock. Come on let's go get you cleaned up." I said pulling him upstairs.
We walked into the upstairs bathroom and I grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink. I told him to stay put while I went to grab a cloth. I walk back in and told him to sit on the counter, which he did.
I wet the cloth and put it to his lip and he moved back slightly.
"Stay still." I said pulling him forward.
I put the cloth back on his lip. "Who did this to you?" I asked.
"I don't know." He replied.
"You don't know who beat the sit out of you." I replied and pulled the cloth away from his lip.
"It was-" He got cut off by someone telling downstairs.
"Where is the little shit! I know he's here." They yelled. The voice was Scott's.
"Scott did this to you." I said anger clear in my voice and he nodded slightly. "Stay here." I said strictly.
I walked downstairs. I walked into the living room to see Scott slowly walking up to Lamar with his fists clenched.
"Get away from him." I said to Scott. "I don't want him to end up like Luke." I continued.
"I only did that to protect you." He said. "I don't want you getting hurt when he goes off for tour."
"So you beat the shit out of him?" I yell at him.
"Scott you did that to Luke?" Mitch asked.
"So what. He deserved it." Scott replied.
"SCOTT!" Mitch yelled at him.
"Where is he? He is turning my friends against me and I am going to do something about it." He said.
"The hell you are. You have to go through me first." I say stepping in front of him.
This when he did something I wasn't expecting. He slapped me across the face. HARD might I add.
"Kara I didn't mean to. I was angry. I'm so sorry." He said.
"Bullshit." I say running upstairs to the bathroom.
"Kara what happened?" Luke asked as I stepped into the bathroom.
"Nothing I'm fine. Sit back down so I can finish cleaning you up." He did what I said.
After I finished cleaning him up he hopped of the counter and placed me on it. He turned on the cold water and put the cloth I previously used on his lip under the water. He rung it out and placed it to my cheek. I winced. He grabbed my hand with his free hand.
"Luke, do you have any idea how much I love you?" I asked looking into his blue eyes.
"I have a pretty good idea." He said smirking at me. "Kara, your so beautiful."
"Luke don't lie to me." I said looking at the wall.
He put his fingers under my jaw and made me look in his eyes. "To me you are the most beautiful girl in the world."
"Get away from her!" Scott yelled at Luke.
"You are the one that needs to get away from her!" Luke yelled back moving me out of Scott's view.
"You are only going to hurt her!" Scott countered yelling.
"You hit her!" Luke yelled at him.
"Scott get your ass back down here!" Mitch yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"You got lucky." Scott said through gritted teeth.
He walked downstairs and Luke turned around to look at me. He reached his hand out and I grabbed it. We walked downstairs hand in hand.
"Oh so this is the famous Luke we always hear about." Brittany said looking at Luke.
"Sush Brittany." I said.
"She never stopped talking about you." Logan added in.
"It kind of got annoying how much she talked about you." Devon said.
"Guys stop." I said turning into Luke's chest.
"Awe. Did we embarrass you?" Myles asked.
"Shut up!" I laughed but it was muffled from Luke's shirt.
"Luke?" Jennie asked. "Be careful with this one. She can be quite......what's the word......feisty."
"Shut up." I say pushing my face harder into Luke's chest.
"Careful babe. Your gonna end up knocking me over." Luke chuckled.
"Don't call me babe." I stated.
"Why not....babe?" Luke said teasing me. Two can play at this game.
I walk away from Luke and go hug Lamar smirking at Luke as I did so.
"Oh your gonna get it." Luke said jokingly.
"Whatcha gonna do?" I asked sticking my tongue out at him.
He came closer to me and I hid behind Lamar. He ran up behind Lamar and picked me up. He brought me back in front of my friends and started tickling me.
"Luke stop!" I say through my laughter.
"What do I get if I do?" He asked still tickling me.
"A kiss." He immediately stops and I laugh at him.
Authors Note.Hola people who are reading this. Longer chapter. The date is coming soon. At the top is Kara's friends.