We start walking to the gate to get on the plane. Suddenly I stop. I can't go. I just can't. I want to stay here.
"Hey Luke, I'm sorry but I don't think I can go with you. I feel like I should stay here. I call Mitch to come pick me up. Have fun on tour okay?" I say.
"What? Is it because of me?" He asks.
"No no. It's not because of you. Or any of the boys for that matter. I just really want to stay here." I explain. I can see the hurt in his eyes but I can't go.
"Okay. I'll see you in a few months." He says embracing me in a hug.
"Okay. Bye Luke. And remember have fun. And don't be sad I'm not coming okay." I say. He nods in response and says bye before following the boys onto the plane.
I head outside with my bag behind me. Once I'm outside I call Mitch.
"Kara? Is everything okay?" He asks.
"Yeah everything is fine. Can you come pick me up at the airport?" I ask.
"Why?" He asks.
"I decided not to go. I want to stay here with you and Scott and Kirstie and Kevin and Avi." I explain.
"Okay. I'll be there in about ten minutes." He says.
"Okay. Bye." I say hanging up.
I put my phone in my back pocket and look around. I notice a group of people standing beside me. There are about 22 people. I look closer and I relized who they are.
"Oh my God." I whisper.
But I guess I wasn't quite enough because all of them look I my direction. I awkwardly wave.
I see a black van pull into the airport parking lot. I thought it was Mitch at first. So I started walking towards the van. But it wasn't. I slowly back up seeing who it is. Soon my back hits a wall and he laughs stepping closer to me.
"You were supposed to be dead." I say.
"I get that a lot. Come on let's go home." He says.
"Are you fucking kidding me!? Let's go home! Let's go home! Oh my God do you have brain damage or did you forget that I've spent all but two years without you in my life! You are a stranger! And if you don't leave me alone I will call the fucking police and say that your trying to kidnap me!" I yell at my "father".
Everyone stopped all there conversations and stared at us.
"Kara Ma-" He starts but I cut him off.
"Don't you dare say my full name! You have no right! You need to leave! I'm giving you ten seconds to leave before I call the police!" I yell.
"Yo-" my "father" starts but someone cuts him off.
"She told you to leave. I suggest you do so." I look over to see Dylan O'Brien walking closer to me.
"Not with out her." He says.
I pull out my phone and call 911.
"911 what's your emergency?" The operator spoke.
"Hi I'm at LAX and someone is trying to kidnap me." I say looking my "father" strait in the eye.
"Okay. Hang tight the police are one their way." She states.
"Okay thank you." I say and she hangs up. I put my phone in my back pocket.
"You lit-" My "father" starts.
"I fucking warned you." I say crossing my arms over my chest.
He comes closer to me causing Dylan to step in front of me.
"It's okay you can move Dylan trust me." He steps aside and my "father" continues coming toward me.
As soon as my "father" put his hand on my shoulder I take it and I flip him. He lands hard on his back.
"Whoops." I say sarcastically.
"How'd you do that?" He asks.
"I've been beaten by to many adults. I learned self defense." I tell him backing away from him.
I then see Mitch pull into the parking lot and speed towards us followed by police cars. Mitch steps out of the car and I run over to him and I hug him.
"Are you okay? The police called me and told me what happened." He asks worriedly.
"I'm fine. Him not so much." I say pointing to the man lying on the ground.
Authors Note.
Hola people who read my story. Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been really busy. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I also entered this book and my other book in the 2016 Wattys. If you guys could help me win that would be amazing. Luv ya. Bye. ❤