"A kiss?" Luke asks.
"Yes you idiot." I say then smirk. "But I didn't say when."
"I hate you." He says jokingly.
"Luke look out!" Taveeta yelled.
I looked to see why she yelled that and started laughing as Ashton jumped on his back causing him to stumble forward. I saw the other two boys in the corner. Calum had his back facing me so I ran and jumped on his back causing him to squish Michael against the wall.
I jumped off Calum's back laughing uncontrollably. I fell on the floor clutching my stomach.
"Kara!" Michael yelled pretending to be mad at me.
"Michael!" I yelled mocking him.
"What is going on in here?" Mitch asked walking in the room.
"Harmless fun." I said standing up.
"That wasn't harmless I got hurt!" Michael whined like a little kid.
"Brush it off Clifford." I told him. He just glared at me.
"Alright you two be nice." Mitch said.
"But I don't want to." Michael and I whine at the same time and then start laughing.
Everyone left about two hours ago. As soon as they left I went up to my room and started to read "Bitten" by Kelly Armstrong. This book is so good. After reading three chapters I go on YouTube and watch Dan and Phil play the Sims 4.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Authors Note.Hola people who are reading this. Sorry for the short update. Sorry it took so long. My Wattpad wouldn't let me write. Sorry if it's shitty. Luv ya. Bye. ❤