Ray Imagine for Mya.

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Ray's been out with the boys all day. You weren't feeling good so, you stayed in bed all day, you couldnt believe Ray hadn't stayed to take care of you. But you didn't care, you were busy trying to rest. You unlocked your phone to see what time it was "4:30" it read . You plopped your head back down on your pillow, and drifted back off to sleep.

You were still sleeping when you heard the drag of Ray's boots coming up the steps. You turned over in bed and covered yourself with the blanket.

"Mya" Ray said slightly shaking  your arm, trying to wake you up.

"Yes ?" You muffled groggily.

"Can you take that blanket of your face for a minute please ?" Ray asked, you felt the bed shake a little.

"Whyy ?" You moaned in an annoyed tone, you wanted to stay in bed.

"Just for a minute, I promise I'll let you go back to sleep love."

"Hughh," You sighed loudly pulling the  blanket off of your face.

You found Ray kneeling on your side of the bed, greeting you with a huge bouqet of Roses.

"Baaby" You gasped , "They're so beautiful !" you exclaimed  "But why'd you get them ? I was here all alone today, I thought you forgot about me ?"

"Why would you think something crazy like that ? Your my baby , I was getting something together for you. I know you werent feeling well. So I wanted to treat you to something nice."

"Really I had no idea" You smiled inhaling the sweet scent of the Roses.

"Exaclty, thats why it's called a surprise" He said in an obvious tone, walking out the bedroom doorway.

"Don't get smart," You said in a sassy tone.

He came back to the doorway,

"Or what ?" He questioned raising his eyebrow as he , crossed his arms over his chest.

"Your gonna get beat up, now go ahead for you get yourself knocked out" You said standing up, putting your hand on your hip.

"Nah, i'ont even think you can beat me" He said walking over to you.

"Well I can" you said pushing him a little as he approached you.

"Is that right ?" He said pushing back up on you, causing you to fall on the bed.

"Yes , I can beat you anytime, anywhere , anyplace" You said pointing your finger in his face, as he hovered over you.

"We'll see about that" He said slightly rubbing his lips across yours, not actually kissing you.

He got up and began , making his way out the door and down the steps.

"What do you mean ?" You asked curiously following behind him.

"Youll see, get dressed" He said. Plopping on the couch grabbing his phone beginnng to call someone . You pretended to creep upstairs , but stayed on the steps to hear who he was calling.

"Yea bro, you got that thing  set up for me ? " He questioned looking around to make sure you werent  close enough to hear the conversation. "Yea, I just woke her up with the Roses. I told her to get dressed , Im sure she hasnt ate all day; so this is perfect timing. . . . Yeah . . Alright have the ring ready . . Alright thanks again bro".

"He was up to something . . But a ring ? Really . . I couldn't be .  . No not this earl . . Its only been 8months. . Oh gosh . . what if he's going to propose"  you though to yourself. A smile arrising on your face.

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