Carnival for All

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“What’s up for today beautiful?” Prince asked as you sat on his lower stomach.

 “I don’t really want to go out today,” You said while playing with the tips of his fingers.

“Why not, it’s nice out?” He said glancing at the sunlight that shot through the window

“I’m just not feeling it..Id rather stay in and relax.”  you responded

“Well it’s too perfect to stay inside, c’mon get dressed” He said while lifting him off you, and leading you upstairs.

“I don’t want to get dressed.” You pouted.

“Babe, please.” Prince pleaded with you “I want to take you out. . .  Y’know what, ill pick your outfit out”.

He opened the doors to your not so-roomy, but organized closet. He pulled out a white crop top, pink white and blue floral high wasted shorts and blue converse.

“There, I picked your outfit out. All you have to do is get dressed.” Prince said admiring the job he did on your outfit.

Reluctant at first, you removed your comfortable sweatpants and t-shirt replacing it with the outfit that Prince made for you. “There I’m dressed” You said putting your hand on your hip.

“Baby, don’t be so grumpy. We're going to go out and enjoy ourselves”.

Prince had on a white linen shirt, which was neatly pressed, stonewash jeans and black Doc’s, his peace bag and several of his favorite bracelets. He smelled clean and fresh and a little like spice, maybe it was his cologne.

“C’mon” He said smiling as he grabbed your hand and guided you toward the door.

"Where exactly are we going?” You asked ruffling your eyebrows.

“A carnival” He smiled intertwining his fingers into yours.

“Oooh, a carnival” You smiled.

You walked about 5 blocks, and there stood a huge Farris wheel along with numerous other rides, concession stands, and thousands of people.

This looks fun” You thought to yourself.

“Can I have two tickets please” Prince asked the guy at the ticket counter.

“That’ll be $14 sir” He said. Prince handed him a $20.

“Keep the change” He said ,

‘Sure, enjoy your day sir” The cashier waved us off.

“What do you want to do first?” Prince asked while holding your hand.

“How about that ?” You said pointing to a ride called “The Avenger”

You got strapped into the seat and began trekking up the steep hill of the ride, you paused at the top and were able to see a lovely view of all of LA.

“It’s so beautiful up here!” You exclaimed.

“Beautiful like you?” Prince asked, Prince leaned in about to kiss you when the ride began speeding down the hill. The ride plummeted to the bottom then, began speeding up the side of another hill. Your stomached dropped at the intensity of the ride just as the ride pulled back into the loading dock.

“That was awesome!” Prince yelled, throwing the ‘Rock’ sign into the air.

“It totally was you smiled”

“Ha-ha, it whipped your hair all crazy” He said flattening your hair down.

“C’mon” I’ve got something for you to try. Prince said tugging you towards the concession stands.

A thin Mexican man with balding hair and a grey mustache stood at a food station.

“Hola senior” Prince said to the man.

“Hola” He responded

“Me puede dar un helado de mango?”  

“Si, por supuesto”

He handed you a plastic cup which contained an orange/red frozen juice with a stick standing out of it.

“What is it ?” You asked

“It’s sort of like a mango Popsicle” He said  

You sat at a picnic table; picked up the frozen juice on a stick and began sucking at the bottom.  Prince snatched the Popsicle and took a little bit of it.

“Hey get your own” You yelled playfully

“Aw hush, I only took a little bite.”

“You got a little juice on your face.” Prince said pointing at you.

“Where ?” You asked

“There” Prince said pointing

“Right here?” You asked touching your cheek

“No there”

“Right here”? You asked touching your chin.

“No right here” He said kissing your lips. He rubbed the tip of his nose on yours; Eskimo style.

You giggled as he fondled with your fingers.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked

“Of course. I always enjoy myself when I’m with you” You smiled.

“See, you didn’t even want to come out today” He said.

“Well , I’m glad I did” You responded.

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