Chapter 1: "Break up date"

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Brendon sat down accross from Ryan at the dining table. He had invited me to a small dinner before we had to start the show. "Aw Ryan this look so great. You really didn't have to do all this..", he thanked his boyfriend. "Yeah...", Ryan said, feeling uncomfortable but trying not to make it noticeable.
"I love you sooo much Ryan, you do so much for me. I never want to lose you baby", Brendon said, pouring his heart out to him. He felt like something was going on but he chose to ignore it. He really felt like Ryan was the one for him and he wanted that feeling to never go away.
"Brendon...", Ryan started. "Listen... I-I've been thinking..", he looked up at his soon-to-be ex boyfriend. He was so afraid of hurting Brendon, but he had no choice. He wasn't feeling it anymore. He knew what he had to do.
"Um... What?" Brendon asked, after taking a sip of his beer and then looking up at Ryan.
Ryan didn't want to lie to Brendon anymore, he had to tell him the truth about what he's been feeling.
"I think it's time that we split... As a band... And as a couple. Maybe just as a couple. I don't want split Panic! up... I just want to leave." Ryan explained.
Suddenly, Brendon had lost his appetite. He let go of his fork, that had slammed against the plate. He sat back on the chair and blankly stared at Ryan. "So you are deciding to tell me this, AS YOU BRING ME ON A DATE?" Brendon rose his voice. "Ryan, YOU PROMISED ME, that you would NEVER leave", he said as he started choking up on his tears.
Ryan laughed, "Brendon, you should know that this is real life. This isn't a romantic love story about Romeo & Juliet. Get your head out of the unicorns ass and start facing reality. People break their promises all the time."
"RYAN, STOP", Brendon said as tears were rolling down his face.
"No. We're not together anymore. I don't have to listen to your orders and lay under your shadow anymore." Ryan got up from his chair and looked at his ex. "This is goodbye... So... Goodbye Brendon..."

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