Chapter 8: "Kiss me like the world is going to disappear"

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   Weeks have passed since Dallon and him have spoken. Every other day, him and Dallon would just quickly glance at each other quickly and then look away or they'd walk right past each other like they never even met. They haven't even started dating, but it felt like they had just broken up. Now, he was lying down on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling for almost 2 hours now after crying for decades. He lifted his finger up and placed it below his eye, feeling how puffy it had gotten but at this point, Brendon didn't care. All he could really think about his how he fucked everything up. He probably lost all his chances of being with Dallon because his douche bag of an ex liked to make a fool out of himself. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he needed to somehow get Dallon back. He didn't care how hard it was going to be, he had to prove to him how much he wants to get to know him better and actually be with him.
Losing his thought process, he heard footsteps walking towards his door. He quickly grabbed his blanket a wiped his eyes off and fixed his hair, not wanting his family to notice that all he was doing for past hours was crying about how shitty of a person he felt, he didn't want to have to explain himself. He got up and changed into actual clothes and brushed his finger through his hair and then sat on his computer chair, acting like he was looking something up.
"B? Can I come in?", he heard someone ask. He already knew who it was since there was pretty much only one person who called him only by the first letter of his name.
"Yeah Zack, come in", he said, clearing his throat trying to sound normal.
He heard the knob on his door turn and then it opened as he saw Zack come in. He watched him as he sat on the edge of his bed. "Are you alright?", he finally asked Brendon with a concerned look on his face.
"Yeah, why?", Brendon responded, his voice sounding more normal now.
"I heard you come home in the middle of the night and I came out to check up on you and I saw you crying into your hands as you walked in your bedroom... What happened?", He asked, now looking directly into my eyes, raising both of his eyebrows.
Brendon just decided to say it all at once, "I fucked it up with Dallon. I lost all of my chances with him because Ryan played with my emotions", he explained and then mummbled, "Once again..."
Zack then stressfully rubbed the top of his head with his hands and said "Goddamnit... I told Ryan to stay put because he was in a bad position... I told you I'd look after him but I completely failed... I'm so sorry", He explained and apologized. Zack was probably only one of the few people he couldn't ever be mad at, considering Zack does everything to make sure he's alright and happy. He was his best friend and he trusted him.
"Don't even worry about it. I don't really care anymore. I just despise Ryan a lot more now", I said as my voice sounded colder than ever.
Zack then sat up straight, like he had an idea, "You know, if you really want Dallon to forgive you, go to the studio. Get your guitar and sing him a song about apology. Maybe he'll forgive you. But this time, you really have to focus on making it up to him. If you really want to be with him, prove it", He explained to Brendon.
"You got this man", he stood up and patted brendons shoulder with a smile and walked out of his room.
Brendon smiled at the thought and the advice that Zack had given him. He then got up and left his room, heading to the studio. He thought that this plan might actually work.
A few hours later, he got to the large building and walked inside of it. As soon as he did, the first person he saw was of course, Dallon. Just by looking at him, he suddenly lost all confidence in himself. Just by the way Dallon carried himself, he could tell how hurt he was. Quickly, he saw Dallon turn around to look at him and at the moment, Brendon froze for a second. He shook out of it and walked over to his guitar. He put the strap around his shoulders and carried his guitar. He walked over to the tall guy he was sitting on the edge of the stage drinking a small glass of water, frowning at his feet.
"Dall... Can I talk to you?", Brendon asked in a soft voice, standing a few feet away from him. His watery eyes looked up at me, as if he's been crying just as much as he has. But he also looked confused as to what I wanted.
"Ok" was all he said with a quiet tone in his voice. It hurt Brendon, seeing this is how much damage he had caused to him.
"Umm... Well...", Brendon stepped closer to Dallon, almost standing in front of him, "I heard this song in the morning and I thought of you... So yeah, I just want to get this out and show you how really sorry I am for what I had done..", Brendon knew what he said was awkward and stupid but he didn't know how else to say it, so he just let the song do the talking. He started strumming his guitar and sang the first few lines, "I'm a million miles away from anywhere
Slide my hands across the sheets
Pretend you're there
But missing you is a slow burn
Every time the Earth turns
I'm reminded that night is only half the time", Brendon stopped singing, as he saw Dallon stand up. He kept strumming his guitar but in a slow rythm. He almost stopped as he thought Dallon was going to leave but he only stood closer to Brendon and sung along to the other part, "Even when I'm hurting I know that this is worth it
Tell me it'll be alright
Gotta give me something to get me through the nothing..", Dallon finished and looked deeply into the shorter guys eyes and smiled.
Brendon was surprised that Dallon knew the song and sang along with him. He felt Dallon pull him closer, leaning his forehead against his.
"Does-Does this mean you forgive me?", Brendon asked, his stomach twisting but in a good way.
Dallon responded, "I'll think about that... But I'm starting to.. Maybe if you keep this up and actually go with your word", he said in a serious way but still laughed.
"Of course", Brendon whispered, not being able to hide his smirk. Dallon didn't fully forgive him but being held against him was good enough for Brendon. He felt so loved and protected in this mans arms. Something he never really felt with Ryan.
All of a sudden, Brendon felt Dallons lips press against his. His heart race only sped up. He could feel Dallon gently pushing his lips against his as they both rotated their heads in different angles, starting to make out now. Brendon taking all of him in, he pressed his fingers onto Dallons back. They both pulled away for a minute, breathing heavily. They exchanged smiles letting each other know that they had enjoyed that little makeout session.
Brendon whispered, "Once again, I'm sorry... Really, I am", he looked deeply into Dallons eyes making sure he knew that he meant it.
A half smile appeared on Dallons face, "I know." That didn't really give Brendon an answer if he was forgiven or not but he decided to worry about that later.
Dallon pulled out from Brendons grasp, looking at the time on his watch, "Oh wow... I'm sorry but I have to go. I have business to take care of with my family", Dallon explained to Brendon. Before he left, he gave Brendon a quick kiss on his forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow", he smiled and left. Brendon smiled back at him, feeling way better than he did the past few weeks. He sat down on the stage as he watched Dallon leave out the door.
Brendon licked and bit the bottom of his lips, still feeling the taste of Dallons. He was really falling for this guy. He didn't what it was but he knew whatever he was falling into, it'd be quite hard to get back out, but he didn't mind it. He looked down at the ground smiling, but then noticed a wrist-band looking object on the floor beside him. He placed the guitar beside him and bent over to pick the object up. It was one of those hospital I.D bracelets. He wondered why it was just laying on the floor. But then he noticed writing on it. It read "Dallon J. Weekes" with a date and hospital name. Brendon was really confused but now worried that something bad is happening to Dallon.

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