Chapter 10: Small Cuts

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After seeing what Dallon had did, he tried texting him and calling him but he wouldn't pick up. Brendon was getting really worried now. Figuring Zack had his number, he asked him.
He responded, "Yeah he texted me a few minutes ago telling me he has at an appointment and should be coming back soon." Zack explained, confused.
Brendon let out a huge sigh of relief, knowing Dallon was okay.
"Brendon, what's up? You seem really stressed out?", he asked his friend, very concerned.
Brendon was debating to tell Zack about what he saw in the Bathroom but he figured Zack already knew what position Dallon was going through. He explained to him what he saw, then Zack looked at him like Brendon need to know something about Dallon, something Brendon probably would or wouldn't understand.
"Dallon... He's been going through long, rough patch in his life. He lives in a small house with his parents and sister. His dad has been really abusive towards him in the past, that of course has stopped because he got arrested for it 2 years ago, but he's back out now, but he's still
an extreme douche towards him. His mom has therapy/counseling set up for him, hoping it would do him better but as far as I know, it's not helping him that much... But he did tell me something... But you have to promise me you will NOT mention any of this to him?", Zack looked into Brendons eyes making sure he had his word.
"Of course man, you know me", Brendon responded with a smile but with seriousness in his eyes.
"He told me... Eversince he met you, he told me that he was feeling a lot happier and more confident with himself. He wants to be with you Brendon, as much you want to be with him too. You just got to give him some time and don't screw shit up", Zack explained to Brendon.
He was extremely happy with what he was hearing, though he knew he needed to talk to Dallon about this and have himself explain this whole situation to him in person.
"You got it. You know how much I'm starting to like Dallon. I can't wait till' I'm finally his!", Brendon said with a cheerful tone in his voice. Zack laughed and jokingly shook his head as he walked off.
Brendon laughed as he walked off. Then he walked towards the recording room. He went in and sat on the computer chair next to the sound table. He pressed a few buttons, making some random sounds, trying to see what he could make out of it.
A few hours go by, after he got a couple beats down, he stopped a turned the system off. He wondered where Dallon was, remembering Zack had said that he was going to back in awhile. Brendon stood up and walked out of the recording studio and walked outside of the building, getting some fresh air, trying to stop himself from worrying about Dallon.
"Brendon! Hey!", a familiar voice behind him said. He turned around to see who it was and a relieving, but bright smile lit up on his face, "Dallon!!", He said with an excited tone in his voice and jumped up on him.
That surprised Dallon but he didn't complain. He was excited to see Brendon too, "Sorry, I've been in therap-", Dallon stopped his sentence realizing he hadn't told Brendon yet, but he figured he already knew by the look on his face.
"Therapy? It's okay, Zack explained the situation to me. Just please keep in mind, you can tell me anything. I'm always here to help you. I like you so much Dallon, more than a friend", Brendon told him. He reached over to hold both of Dallons hands. He finally saw the cuts and scars on his arms but he chose to ignore them and not ask questions about them because he just wanted to focus on Dallon now. He looked deeply into Dallons beautiful blue eyes. He stood on the tip of his toes and leaned in to kiss Dallon, pressing his lips against his crushs soft lips. Dallon moved his hand up to Brendons hair and gently squeezed it.
After almost 3 minutes of making out, Dallon pulled away. "Brendon... I know it's a little too early but... I'm honestly falling hard for you...", He looked at the shorter guy, looking deeply into his eyes.
"I know... It's hard to resist you... And I don't want to. But we got to take this slowly..", Brendon gulped, feeling his heart race speeding up. He finally went back in for another kiss and then pulled away for a smile. "Dall, you're fucking amazing... And ridiculously cute... Don't let people drag you around like you're worthless. You're not. At least not to me... In my eyes, I see perfection, talent and potential in you. You have everything I've ever wanted in a guy... Please don't treat yourself so horribly like this... You're not trash, you're treasure", Brendon vented to Dallon, cupping his cheeks in his hands while looking deeply into his eyes.
A tear fell trailed down Dallons cheek as a smile appeared. No one has ever said anything like what Brendon told him. He felt so special and so safe just by his word. It's like his heart already melted in Brendons hands as he holds onto it forever.
"Well the battle is worth the fight... As long as you're the one that's standing by my side, helping me through it", Dallon finally spoke but choking on incoming tears.
"Of course, Dall. Of course", Brendon smiled. They both leaned in for one last kiss. Dallon then realized he needed to tell Brendon what was going on with him. He had to tell him everything before he finds out more dark secrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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