Chapter 6: "Almost lunch date"

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   After their little studio session, they both went out to grab a bite since it was close to lunch time. Plus, they both were starving since they haven't ate at all today. Brendon took Dallon to a place by his favourite beach where he always liked to have lunch by, after working on recording the bands songs. It was always refreshing. The sun wasn't shining too bright, but it was still warm enough. The wind was also smoothly going by. It was the perfect weather. This used to be the spot that him and Ryan would hangout at but now that Brendons feelings for Dallon was growing stronger, he needed to forget about it and make it a routine for him and the guy he likes. After they both ordered sandwiches to eat, Dallon suggested that they sit on a nearby hill that was filled with a bunch of different kinds of beautiful flowers, making the hill look more like a romantic spot to have a date on. Brendon nodded in response and walked side by side with Dallon. When the reached the top of the hill, they both turned around to see really beautiful view of the beach with the waves that were splashing against it.
"I knew this would be a good idea", Dallon said with a wide smile, from admiring the beach to looking at Brendon who already seemed to be staring back at him.
"It is", Brendon agreed, "An extremely wonderful view", he added on, as he took his first bite of his sandwich.
"Hey...", Dallon spoke, "Can I ask you something?", he asked as he also took a bite of his sandwich.
"Yeah? What's up?", Brendon responded.
"I know that you and Ryan were like... Really close friends... But for some reason I feel like you guys were more than that. Were you?", Dallon asked, looking into his eyes to see whether he was gonna come up with an excuse or lie.
Brendon didn't want to lie to Dallon because that's what he hated most, especially after what he had found out about Ryan. Wanting to be true to Dallon, he let out a big sigh and responded, "Yeah... Um... We were kind of more than friends... But he.. Um...", Brendon let out a little cough trying to hold back his tears, not wanting to be reminded. But he felt like Dallon had to know since he wanted to be closer with him. He continued talking, "Ryan and I... We had a history together... We were in a relationship for about 4 years. The day he broke up with was the day that I found out he was cheating on me.. And doing things behind my back with my friend that I didn't even know was like that... You know, gay...", Brendon explained the whole situation.
Dallon raised an eyebrow, surprised. He sort of knew that was going to come out but at the same time he didn't know what to expect, "Wait... So, you're gay then?", a smirk appeared on his face.
"Very", Brendon responded to Dallon and laughed.
Dallon laughed as well and responded, "that's cute", in an awkward but flirty voice. He turned his head to face Brendon, who was madly blushing at the compliment he was given.
"I try", Brendon playfully winked at him, feeling his heart rate speed up a little. Then the question he has always been wondering eversince he met Dallon, popped up into his head. He figured it was the right time to ask, "Are you gay?", he asked, forgetting that Dallon had just been dumped by a girl recently.
"No", he responded, his voice sounding confused, thinking it would of already been obvious. "I'm not gay, I'm bi", he smirked again.
"Oh, right", Brendon responded, forgetting he was with a Breezy before. But at the same time, he was glad to finally hear that Dallon was at least interested in boys too, which meant Brendon had a chance.
Dallon looked at Brendon, this time he actually tried to make a move. He lifted his hand and gently layed it on his cheek, and pulled Brendon a bit closer to him, both of their heart rates starting to speed up more. He could feel his pulse pounding after every second. Before pulling in to do anything yet, he stared into Brendons dark brown eyes and explored them. He put himself into Brendons position for a minute. Just by studying his eyes, he could feel a lot of hurt, pain, and confusion, which Dallon assumed that was what Ryan caused. But he could also see happiness in his eyes, and when he did, Dallon immediately saw his reflection. That gave him a huge hint as to what Brendon wanted, but he knew he was still trying to get over his ex-boyfriend so he wanted to take things slow and not rush into things.
After that, Dallon then moved a bit closer to him, filling the left over gap between them two, placing his forehead upon Brendon. He could now hear Brendon breathing heavily as he was looking back into Dallons eyes. He then leaned in but moved a bit passed his face and softly pressed his lips against his cheek, holding the other side of his face with his other hand. Then Dallon backed away a bit to find a wide smile on Brendons, which made him smile back.
Then all of a sudden, he heard someone approach them.
"Brendon?", a familiar voice asked. He backed away from Dallon and turned to look up at the person, seeing who it was. He rose his eyebrows up in confusion. It was Ryan standing infront of him and Brendon. "Ryan?", Brendon asked. "What are you doing here?..."

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