Chapter 3: "Should I walk by again?"

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Brendon had spaced out for a few minutes now, staring at Dallon. He just kept admiring how cute his new bassist was.
Dallon smiled, noticing Brendon was checking him out. "I'm assuming you're the famous Brendon?", he asked breaking the silence.
Snapping out of it, Brendon answered him, "I-I'm just um... Brendon" he explained to Dallon, stuttering a bit.
Zack kicked in the conversation, noticing Brendon was quickly growing a crush on Dallon and needed help, "Okay so are we ready to rehearse or should we take a break?"
"Well since I just got here, I'll practice a bit and get use to the new instruments", Dallon responded with a smile while walking toward the small stage filled with instruments and equipments.
"I think I'm going to get to know him better and show him around", Brendon winked at Zack and walked off.
"Alright, just remember we have a meeting with Sarah and the other band members at 5:30 sharp", Zack reminded Brendon.
"Oh I know... Wait, who the hell is Sarah? We're not adding another new member to the band right?" Brendon asked, all confused now.
"Oh no man, she's my cousin from poland. She's just visiting. But you don't like girls so I won't have to worry about you hitting on her right?", Zack asked for reassurement.
"Of course man, even if I weren't gay, I wouldn't hit on her anyways", Brendon laughed.
"Ohhhh-kay, right", Zack rolled his eyes at him and smiled. "Don't have too much fun with the new guy now", Zack said as he walked towards the doors.
"Bye to you too douche", Brendon jokingly shouted and then walked over to Dallon, who was sitting down on the edge of the stage, trying out one of the bass guitars. He realized that was the guitar Ryan left there.
"OH, hey I think that's-", Brendon stopped in mid sentence as soon as he heard the beautiful, hypnotizing sounds that Dallon was playing on the guitar.
Dallon stopped for a minute and looked up into Brendons eyes. He didn't speak for a second, all of a sudden being caught in his stare. "Oh... I... Uh... Sorry, is this someone else's guitar?"
Brendon snapped out of gazing into Dallons bright blue eyes again, "Oh no, I meant... It's beau-... You're really good at playing the guitar", Brendon complimented on Dallons skill, trying not to flirt with him because he didn't know Dallons sexuality yet.
"Oh, well thank you... A lot... No one really appreciates my guitar skills.. Or my singing skills... Besides a few people." Dallon explained to Brendon, flashing a smile.
"You can sing too? Let me hear something", Brendon said, grabbing another guitar and taking a seat by Dallon, so he would be facing him.
Dallon began singing the first few parts of his song, "could this be love at first sight, or should I walk by again? You're photogenically dressed, the conversation begins. Oh god, what did I say? Let me start over again...", he stopped singing, smiling back at Brendon.
"That... Was really good..", Brendon complimented him.
"Thank you", Dallon kept smiling at Brendon.
Not thinking about what he was doing, Brendon started leaning in towards Dallon for a kiss. As soon as their lips were an inch away, the stage door opened up. A girl walked in.
"Hey Dallon, are you done here?" A dark brown haired girl asked.
Dallon looked up at the girl and his charming smile turned into an awkward smile, "Oh hey Breeze... Yeah..", he responded to her.
A shot of jealousy ran through Brendon, "who may you be?", he asked the chick, realizing he sounded sassy but didn't really care.
"I'm Breezy, Dallons girlfriend", she introduced herself, giving Brendon a fake smile.
Brendon turned to Dallon, his smile fading away. "Oh..", he responded.

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