Chapter 5: "Falling fast"

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   It was the next morning, Brendon was already at the studio rehearsing by himself. He was trying forget worrying about Ryan being in the hospital. No matter how much he hated Ryan for hurting him and doing things behind his back, he just hoped Ryan was strong enough to get through this. Both Zack and Spencer were there to help so Ryan was in good hands. Brendon started playing on the piano, starting off with some random rythm and as soon as he got into it, he found a song he wanted to sing. As he moved his fingers around the keys, he softly sung, "If you love me let me goooo.... Because these words are knives that often leaves scars, the fear of falling apart... Truth be told, I never was yours... The fear, the fear of falling apart...", Brendon widened his eyes in amazement at how good that actually sounded. He just sang that song at the top of his head. He grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote the lyrics down.
All of a sudden he heard another voice behind him, finishing the rest of the lyrics, "This is gospel for the vagabonds, ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bastards, confessing their apostosies, led away by imperfect imposters.", The other person sang along. Brendon looked behind himself and realized it was Dallon. He smiled and greeted him, "Hey Dallon, you're here a bit early", Brendon laughed as he watched Dallon take a seat next to him on the piano chair.
"Yeah, I wanted to get things done earlier. What song were you singing?", Dallon curiously asked.
"Oh I honestly don't know, it was just something that came up off the top of my head", Brendon explained, trying not to sound like he was bragging.
"That's great", a half smile appeared on Dallons face. He looked at Brendon, noticing him staring at him with a concerned look.
Brendon felt like something was wrong so he asked, "Are you alright?"
Dallon let out a sigh and looked at Brendon, "I guess I will be... Breezy and I broke up..  She found someone better than me", he vented out to Brendon.
"Oh.. Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry..", Brendon said, acting like he felt bad but he really just wanted to jump up in joy because now, Dallon is single. "What exactly happened?", He asked as he put his arm around Dallon and rubbing his back to comfort him.
Dallon looked back down at the piano keys and frowned. "Well, she pretty much just said that we needed to break up because she found someone who actually wanted to be with her. And homestly, I dont know why I'm upset over this because I couldn't handle her anymore. I mean I thought I liked her, but she's put too much stress on my back and was too controlling...", Dallon explained. "Plus... I think I'm already starting to like someone else...", he did that cute little half smile thing of his and looked deeply into Brendons eyes for a second and then looked down at his lips for a second.
Brendon blushed, noticing Dallon pretty much just eye humped him for a minute, "Really? Who", Brendon asked even though he knew Dallon wasn't gonna say a word to him.
"You'll probably find out later on", Dallon winked at Brendon.
They smiled at eachother, just gazing into eachothers eyes, getting lost in them. They started leaning in for a kiss, again. But once again, they were interrupted. Brendon quickly sat back realizing his phone was buzzing. He took his phone out of his pants pocket and saw that Ryan was calling him, he ignored it, forgetting that Ryan was in the hospital.
"Sorry about that... Random number was calling me", he made up an excuse.
"It's alright", Dallon laughed. "Hey, do you maybe want to go get lunch or something? I haven't ate since I woke up"
Brendon smiled, "Of course! I'll pay", he offered. They both stood up from their seats, as they did Brendon playfully slapped Dallons ass as they left out the door.

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