Chapter 9

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He held the little hospital I.D. bracelet in his hand, that had Dallons name on it. He kept staring at it wondering if Dallon was hiding something back from him. Then again, he only just met Dallon about a week ago, he was still getting to know the tall, handsome guy. Brendon just hoped this wasn't a serious case.
He looked up as he heard the doors to the front entrance of the building prop open, he saw Zack walk in.
"Hey B, how'd it go?", Zack asked, walking towards his friend, leaning his side against the edge of the stage where Brendon was sitting.
Brendon raised an eyebrow and then smiled, "It was great. It went okay. We made out but he didn't quite give me an apology... Yet", he responded, looking at Zack and then looking at the wristband, his fingers were fiddling with.
"Oh good, I'm proud of you! See, I told you it would help", the big, bearded man said with a smile, feeling accomplished that advice of his actually worked, because normally he wasn't good with giving advice.
Brendon nodded, still looking at the hospital wristband in his hands. "Hey, umm..", Brendon finally spoke. "Did Dallon mention anything about a hospital to you?", he looked up from his lap and turned to face Zack.
At first, Zack looked confused but then he turned away for a second, remembering something, but he quickly looked back at Brendon like he was trying to keep a secret, "Umm... Nahh... Not that I'm aware of", Zack told Brendon, looking straight into his eyes. Brendon thought his friend look a little suspicious but he shrugged off, acting like it was no big deal because he didn't know much about this yet. "Well... Okay..", Brendon nodded and let it go. He quickly shoved the wristband in his back pocket and hopped off the stage.
"I'll go to the bathroom for a minute. We can start soundcheck in about 10 to 15 minutes", he told Zack, looking back to him as he nodded before walking off to the restrooms. When he got to the entrance of the mens room, he heard a faint sobbing sound. He admitted, he was a bit scared because the only people who were in the small building was Zack and him. Since Zack and the band pretty much owned/managed this place. But he has heard from people that have visited, had paranormal type encounters. Brendon decided to stop being a coward and walk into the restroom, opening the door slowly and quietly. As he got closer to the noise, he heard that sobbing sound a bit clearer, but still faint. He fully opened the door and stepped inside.
"Hello?", he asked, staring at the first thing he saw, which was just the door to the toilet stall. He turned around to see a man who had a black hoodie over his head, that had his back facing Brendon, so he couldn't see who it was.
"Hey? Are you alright?", Brendon asked the stranger, not knowing who it was. The guy had his sleeves rolled up, it looked like he was washing his hands with soap that had a red-color to it. Brendon didn't think anything of it.
Once the man had heard Brendons voice, he frozed, seeming like he knew who was behind him. The guy quickly rolled up his sleeves and take his hoodie off. "Oh... Brandon! Hi.." The tall man turned around to face him with an awkward smile, it was Dallon. He had a look of worry on his face, hoping Brendon wasn't behind him that whole time.
"Oh Dallon! Thank god!", Brendon said with a sigh of relief, thankful it wasn't a ghost. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to leave."
"Yeah! I was... I was just about to. I had to make a stop first", Dallon said, making up an excuse as to why he was in the bathroom for so long.
"Oh ok well that makes sense. Since you're still here... Do you umm... Maybe want to stick around for a bit?", Brendon said with a flirty tone in his voice and flashed Dallon a wink.
Dallon smiled and flirted back, "Well, I guess I do have a few minutes to spare", He responded as he walked towards the shorter guy and pulled him close, wrapping his long arms around his waist as Brendon layed his arms around Dallons neck. He leaned his head down, landing his head upon Brendons once again as their eyes met, staring into each others once again.
"I love this feeling so much", Brendon smiled loving the feeling of the sparks that his crush gave him. Although, Brendon wasn't so sure of this guy being a crush anymore, since he couldn't help but fall for him, more and more.
Dallon smiled at the comment Brendon had made and slightly nodded, "So do I", he agreed with him. He honestly was falling in love with every bit of Brendon, even if he tried pushing him away, it'd feel wrong for him. Finally making a move, Dallon leaned in and gave Brendon a small but soft kiss on his lips. After pulling away, he smiled which made Brendon blush.
"I've never so adored you", Dallon blurted out and then blushed at his awkward comment. Brendon giggled and blushed back, "You're really fucking cute", he complimented on Dallon. His smile grew wider.
All of a sudden, Dallon felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He backed out of Brendons grasp for a minute and pulled his phone out. He saw a text from his mom asking him where he was and when he was coming home. He texted her back. "Ugh Brendon I'm sorry... I really have to go this time. My moms been waiting for me to get back home", he explained. Brendon understandingly nodded and quickly kissed Dallon before he walked out the bathroom. Then he realized he forgot to ask Dallon about the hospital wrist band he had found, "Oh, DALLON! WAIT!", Brendon called after him but he was already out of sight. It was no big deal, he was seeing him again tomorrow so he thought he'd just ask him then. Brendon then walked over to the mirror, above the sink Dallon was washing his hands in. He looked at his hair, realizing it was a mess so he combed through it with his fingers a couple times. He then noticed a red stain on the sink. He was confused as to what it was, but when he looked at the bar of soap, he noticed a small blade, covered in blood stains.
"Dallon... No...", he thought to himself, now worrying, wondering if Dallon really had to go back home.

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