Chapter 4: "Interruption"

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   Dallon looked at Brendon seeing he looked sad and hurt but didn't understand why. He said, "Sorry... I have to go now. Will we practice more tomorrow?" Dallon asked Brendon as he got up from the seat and placed the guitar back in its stand.
"Yeah.. Um, same time..", Brendon nodded, trying to not choke up on incoming tears but he held them back.
"Okay cool, do you need a ride home?", Dallon offered, feeling bad that he had to leave so soon.
Before responding, Brendon realized that he didn't have his car with him because Zack took it.
"Um, Dallon, don't you remember? We have a movie date!", Breezy lifted up her voice, almost turning into a yell. "Sorry, Brandon, or Brian or whatever your name was. We have to go now."
"That's okay", Brendon glared at Breezy, not caring about her getting his name wrong. "Zacks picking me up", he said as he finally got up from his chair. Before he walked off, he gave Dallon a little wave and walked off. As he reached the door, he heard Dallon call his name.
"Brendon, wait!", Dallon demanded, catching up to him.
Brendon turned around and asked, "Yes?", being confused why Dallon had stopped him.
"Excuse breeze, she can be a bit of a bossy... You know... Look, I know we only just met but I think you're a really cool guy and... Kind of cute", Dallon smiled and then noticed a confused look on his face, "Oh ok sorry, back to the point. I wanted to tell you, thank you so much for letting me in the band. Zack told me you have a hard time with new band members since old ones leave so quickly. Is it because you get pulled into relationships with them?", Dallon asked then realizing that question might've been a bit too much.
Brendon let out a little laugh, "Yeah, something like that", he said as an image of Ryans face flashed into his head. "But yeah, I prefer not to go into detail. What's been done has been done", he explained to Dallon.
"Just know... I'm here for you if you ever need anything. And I stick with my word", Dallon smiled and pulled Brendon into a hug. Brendon hugged him back, he could feel a buldge in between Dallons legs and he realized what that was.
"Goddamn..", Brendon thought, smiling a little and trying not to laugh. He looked up and saw Breezy standing on the stage, staring at them hug while waiting impatiently for her boyfriend.
Dallon pulled away from the long hug and and quickly kissed Brendon on his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow", he winked at Brendon with a smile and then walked away.
After he watched Dallon walk off, he left the building as well. When he got outside, he saw Zack standing with a girl. Brendon assumed that was his cousin. He walked up to them. "Hey", he greeted them both with a smile.
"Oh hey man, this is Sarah. Sarah, this is Brendon", Zack introduced them.
"Nice to meet you!", Sarah smiled at him, and pulled him into a hug instead of giving him a handshake.
"You too", Brendon smiled back at her and then turned to Zack. "Did you guys already finish the meeting? Sorry I wasn't there... I got caught up in things", He apologised, not sounding serious.
"Or a person", Zack said in between coughs and then left. "By the way, how'd it go?", he asked Brendon with a joking wink.
"It went... Okay", he responded to Zack as his smile sort of fading.
All of a sudden, Zack pulled Brendon aside, "Listen man, I know you probably despise them both, but Spencer called me and said Ryan's in the hospital. After he left here, he got hit by a car."
Brendons eyes widened, he lifted his arms up and brushed both of his hands through his hair in stress. "Is he alright?", he asked Zack with a worried tone in his voice.
"As far as I've heard. I'm going to have to go up there tomorrow and check on him. I don't want Dallon to show up at the studio alone. So please try not to worry about this situation. Chill with Dallon. Spencer and I will make sure Ryan is okay", Zack explained to him, noticing Brendon was worried.
"Okay Zack, I trust you. Just please at least text me or call me and update me on what's going on", he told Zack.
He nodded, "I got it."
As the sky started getting darker, they drove off home. When Brendon got to his house, he walked up to his bedroom and turned off the lights. Knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep, he  just layed there, staring blankly at the ceiling. He did still have feelings for Ryan but for some reason, he wasn't that worried about him being in the hospital. Maybe it was because he trusted Zack to take care of him. All Brendon could think of at this point was about how fast he was falling for Dallon. There was just something about him that was making him want more of Dallon. He didn't know whether he was just sexually attracted to him or he was just falling in love with him. But right now, he didn't care. Brendon wanted Dallon as soon as he could get him.

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