Chapter 7: "Fool me twice"

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   Now Brendon was feeling irritated. He had just remembered that Ryan was supposed to be in the hospital, and now he just shows up out of nowhere standing in front of him and Dallon. He especially felt bad for Dallon because he must've felt awkward by now.
"Oh...", Ryan finally said, realizing Brendon had company. "Who is this?", then interrupting Brendon as he opened his mouth to speak, "Actually, I don't really care", he looked back to Brendon, re-adjusting the crutch that Brendon had just now noticed. Dallon raised both of his eyebrows, offended but shook it off as Ryan began to talk. "Bren... Look, I'm so terribly sorry about what I did... I heard Zack confess to you and now... I feel bad", Ryan apologized, but that wasn't all he had to say so he kept talking. "Bren, I still love you... I never had any feelings for Spencer. He was just there when you and I got into fights. He was like a fuck buddy and I honestly didn't mean any of it...", Ryan explained, basically lying through his breath. He only just saw these two on top of this hill, looking like they were about to make out while a shot of jealousy ran through him. He knew Brendon was deeply in love with him, he knew his ex-lover would do anything for him and could get him back easily.
But surprisingly, Brendon turned away in disgust, but said as his voice was choking up, "I don't want to hear it..", he softly said, trying not to break down.
Then Ryan slowly and carefully kneeled down in front of him, forgetting Dallon was sitting close by. He reached over and placed his warm hand on Brendons knee and rubbed him up to his thigh and back down to his knee, repeatedly. "Baby, I love you... Please...", Ryan looked at Brendon with fake guilt in his eyes. Brendon already knew what he was doing, but considering he still had feelings for this guy, he couldn't resist.
"Ryan... Could I talk to you alone for a minute?", Brendon annoyed, and angrily said as he stood up. Befort he left, he quickly kissed Dallon on his cheek and softly whispered into his ear, "I'll be back, I promise", he looked at Dallon as he pulled away with a half smile on his face. He walked off with Ryan and soon enough, Dallon lost sight of them.
It had been almost 2 hours since Brendon had left, plus it was starting to get dark out and it worried Dallon. "Where is he?", he thought to himself. A bad feeling came rushing up, and it made him get up and pack all their stuff up. As he walked down the hill, he had the urge to go to the bathroom. On his way there, he saw two people lying ontop of each other on the edge of the grass, roughly making out. He laughed to himself, thinking it was just another gay couple. But before he opened the door to the bathroom, he realized something. He turned back to look at the guys and took a closer look. It was Brendon and Ryan. Brendon was laying on the grass, while Ryan was ontop of him, as they were clearly having a big time makeout session. It got to the point where they were touching each others "parts" through their jeans. Dallons heart started racing, in a very bad way. A shot of anger shot through him, like a bullet just cut deep into his heart. Even though they weren't dating, he was actually starting to get so many feelings for this guy... Feelings that no one ever gave him before. Not being able to take another minute of watching this scene, he angrily walked up to them and yelled, "Brendon" through his tears. His voice came out with a bunch of sadness like he was betrayed. He watched Brendon as he looked back at him and quickly shoved Ryan off of him.
"Dall... I...", he said as he stood up and took a step towards Dallon only for Dallon to take a step back.
He shook his head, "No", his voice choked as tears slid down his cheeks. "You know, to think I was actually starting to have feelings for you... To THINK, you were actually getting over him... Wow, I must be damn stupid", Dallon said before walking away.
"Dall! PLEASE! WAIT", Brendon shouted after him but Dallon had already ran off too far for him to catch up. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to hold back incoming tears, then he looked back over at Ryan, to see a smirk on his face that instantly turned into a laugh.
"Wow!", Ryan cracked up, "What a cry baby", he said through his laughter. "Well my job is done so I guess I'll be leaving now", Ryan smirked and stood up.
Brendon looked up in confusion, "Your job is done? What are you talking about?", Brendon asked, worried he that he was fooled again.
"What we just did? Yeah, that was all just an act. I love Spencer more than I could ever love you", he laughed and walked off. Brendon watched him until he had faded off into the distance, not even bothering to call after him. He sat in the dark, alone. He let out a big scream and started crying loudly into his lap. His whole world just fell apart. "How the hell could I be so dumb and let Ryan back in only for him to play with my emotions again. And how could I be such a douche bag to someone who was having mutual feelings for me?", he thought and kept crying to himself. A few minutes later, he started growing a headache. He weakly stood up and tried to find balance on his feet. He started walking towards his car and drove home. He didn't think Dallon was ever going to forgive him for what he just witnesssed, but he had to get him back, not caring how hard it was going to be.

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