Chapter Four: AHHHHH!

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A/N: Hey mates! Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I have this summer camp thing and yep. But anyway, not Isabelle/Beckett action in here. Well, maybe. Read and you’ll find out.

DISCLAIMER: I own none of the POTC characters or the POTC plot.


I woke up upside down, tied to long pole. I opened my eyes wider. The native’s were carrying me.

“Wha?” I said sleepily.

“Isabelle?” Will asked. I looked, and saw that Will was in the same situation as I was.

“What’s going on?” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” he said, and one of the natives kicked dirt on him.

“Hey!” I yelled at them. They stared at me, and I shut up.


We walked past many small huts, and over bridges. I was getting a headache from being upside down, and I could fell the blood flowing to my head.

Suddenly, we stopped. I opened my eyes.

There was a man sitting on a chair. He had 3 pairs of eyes painted on his temples, and one on his eyelids. This man was wearing pirates clothing. Clothing that only one man would wear.

“Jack!” I gasped. He looked us.

“Kali kali ten dada.” he said at the natives.

“What?” I asked.

“Jack, Jack Sparrow. I can honestly say I'm glad to see you.” Will said. Jack went up and poked him.

“Jack, it's me, Will Turner!” Will yelled at Jack.

“Jack, help us! Please!” I cried, and Jack went up to me. The familial face and eyes made my heart melt, but I needed to keep a strong suit.

“Jack! We’re in trouble. Please help us!” I pleaded him. He poked me in the cheek.

“Ow. What are you doing?” I asked.

“Pase ko.” Jack said, bending over and looking at me.

“Try to escape. Quickly.” he whispered.

“No! We need your help!” I yelled.

“Idada esipige.” a cannibal yelled.

“Esipige!” all of them yelled.

“Jack, tell them to let us down!” Will yelled at him, angered that he wouldn’t help us. I was mad too. I thought we could trust him.

“Kelay lum. Lum piki piki. Lum eensie weensie.” Jack said, looking over at us.

“Lum say say eunuchey. Snip snip.” he said, and started to walk away.

“Jack, the compass! That's all I need! Elizabeth is in danger! We were arrested for trying to help you! She faces the gallows! We all do! You won’t let Isabelle die for you! Help us!” Will yelled, and Jack stopped. He looked at us. More at me. I could fell my eyes start to water. He looked down, and then at the cannibals.

“Snay say sha. Smomy lama shuku, savvy? Bon liki liki.”

“Bon liki liki!” the cannibals yelled, and started to carry us of. Jack went up to us.

“Save me.” he whispered, and they carried us of.

“Jack, what did you tell them? No! What about Elizabeth? Jack!” Will yelled.

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