Beyond The gate (Another side to the prism of my mind)

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I yearned for freedom.

Yearned to let myself go and to eliminate these deep set fears,

the anxiety and worries of what it would be like at the other side of the gate.

After all I knew what they would say.

I was "different" a "freak" out of the "norm"

the person I longed to be would shock and scare some and repulse the others

but I would get by with my own strength and the love of those that stood by me

no matter what I am.

if only I could break the Rusty Padlock of the Iron gate that lay before me.

it had took some time to reach that point.

a perrilous journey of terror and tragedy, confusion and depression

but finally I reached the end of the path

and I knew I could go no further until I broke through.

with all my strength I banged my fists against the Iron structure

feeling the pain shoot through my hands.

it was worth it, I told myself, as I gritter my teeth and continued, determined.

The rusty lock fell to the floor with a thud,

the gate swung open and I stepped into the freedom beyond the gate

only to realise it was just the begining. 

Poetry and Prose By Jake DorianWhere stories live. Discover now