The Purple Jacket

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purple cotton falls on my head

I hide from a world where no-one cares

sleeves pulled tight over my hands

I pull so tight, another tare

zipped up full I feel your warmth

I hide inside this cell

my comfort blanket, purple jacket

you caught me when I fell

I needed you to help me through

the darkness in my mind

like no one else you comfort me

unjudgemental and kind

but like my heart and like my mind

you're shredded and you're torn

the pain I channeled into you

has left you old and warn

so bravely I step out alone

and leave you there behind

in simple coats with shorter sleaves

no hood to help me hide

but in the stillness of the night

when demons come to mind

I indulge in you and your cotton soft

And once more you'll help me hide. 

Poetry and Prose By Jake DorianWhere stories live. Discover now