Chapter 2: Conflict

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Chapter Two

Season 3 Episode 17

"You don't already have plans for tonight do you?" Rikki asked me. We were sat facing each other in the café we ran together.

"It's nothing I can't work around," I replied. Rikki had finally come willingly to ask for my help. I was thrilled. The only problem was the card game that was planned here this evening with my mates. I wondered momentarily about how Nate would take it.

"You can't really work around a full moon," Rikki said rolling her eyes. I promised to cancel my plans, and I meant it. I really did intend to be there for Rikki, to support her. Just when I thought it was all going to go well, I found out that Will had been invited also. Did Rikki plead for help like she did with me? Did she trust him more? I felt jealousy flood my rational thought. Will. I hated that guy. How did he get along with my girlfriend so well? Did she prefer his company? She had been hanging out with him a lot more recently. Was my bad feeling about him born purely out of my jealousy of his relationship with the woman I loved? When I let Nate and my other mates stay, I did it to spite Will – not really worrying about the consequences. Looking back on it, I ask why on earth I could never act wisely and why I was always doing the wrong thing.

Rikki looked betrayed. Hurt. All my fault. Guilt raced through me. Instead of acknowledging my wrong doing, I acted as if what I was doing was perfectly fine.

"Can I have a word with you in private?" Rikki asked forcefully.

"Yes." I agreed firmly. I couldn't do this in front of Will. It was all his fault.

"How could you do this to me?" She demanded.

I tried to defend myself; "Why does everything have to be about you!"

I knew the reason. She was my beautiful mermaid. Why was I turning her gift against her? Why didn't I think before speaking?

"It's not just that." I said quietly. I knew she saw straight through me.

"Then what?" there was a pause. "Is it Will?"

She hit the nail on the head. She laughed cynically, "I can't believe it," she said in disbelief. "You're jealous."

"I'm not jealous!" I denied it. I was feeling embarrassed. Therefore, I came up with an excuse, "I just, I don't get why you need him more than you need me."

"He's actually willing to put us first." Rikki replied. That hurt.

"So am I!" I exclaimed. She didn't believe me. She didn't trust me.

Will came in to check on us. I felt hatred build up.

"He's not welcome here." I stated strongly.

"Fine. I'm leaving too," she paused. "You wonder why I never ask you for help." I very rarely saw Rikki this angry. I stared at the space she had occupied just a few seconds earlier. I collapsed onto the couch and put my head in my hands. How had everything gone so wrong? In frustration I through a cushion across the room. It hit the door and rebounded knocking over an ornament. It smashed on the ground. I felt like I was in pieces, just like the ornament. Rikki was a part of me. I knew I was losing her.

After I left the office, and re-joined my mates. My façade had returned to its place.

I was in for another bruising, round two. Cleo was my opponent this time.

"You're not much of anything now these days, are you Zane." Cleo accused me maliciously. She was accusing me of not caring. Is that truly how it looked?

"Rikki needs to know that she can rely on you. We all do," she continued. Her tone softened slightly.

"You can rely on me," I retorted.

"Then prove it."

I kicked everyone out following Cleo's prompting. This was something I should have done a lot earlier.

Rikki had returned to the café. She looked pretty shaken up. What had I done? I was told that Will had got there just in time.

"I bet he did." I said negatively, sarcastically. Rikki wasn't even looking me in the eye. I followed her.

"It'll never happen again," I said sincerely. I was hoping that she would believe me. I truly hoped that I wouldn't let her down again. She meant way too much to me. "I'll be here for you from now on."

She nodded. I gave a sigh of relief.

"'kay," she said in a non-committal manner. She was vacant. I hoped she would forgive me. We walked out of the café on the way back to her trailer park.

Majority of the walk was made in silence.

"You don't need to do this," Rikki said breaking the cold atmosphere.

"I wanted to." I replied. I reached over and took her hand. Hesitantly, she returned my grip. After another minute of silence, I said something that both shocked her and myself.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

She looked at me in shock. "What was that?" We had stopped walking. I stroked her cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said again. I leant in and we kissed. After a few seconds, she pulled away abruptly and walked away ahead of me. That hurt. Was she afraid of getting close to me again? I jogged to catch up.


"Stop, okay!" she exclaimed.

"What did I do?" I asked. I regretted this when she turned on her heel and began to stride purposefully towards her house. "Okay, I've messed up. I've apologised. Please forgive me?" I begged.

"I need some time." She replied quietly.

"Okay," I nodded. "Can I hug you?" I asked vulnerably. Rikki was the only one who had ever seen my exposed side. She nodded hesitantly. I loved her so much. Why couldn't I tell her? I buried my face into her shoulder. Who knew when I'd be able to do this again. After some time, she began to gently push me away. I reluctantly let go. I watched her disappear through the door. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked back to the café.

A/N: Review! Please tell me what you thought!

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