Chapter 10: Daddy Issues

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Chapter 10

The day after the graduation party at the café, I went directly to my father. I needed money, and a lot of it, to save the café. Rikki and I had put too much effort into it for it to sink. I know Rikki wouldn't show it, but she would be disappointed to see our place go to another owner. Yes, our place. If Rikki takes me back, I want us to be able to share in something again. I could just let it go, I guess, but it has a little too much sentimental value.

"Please Dad," I pleaded.

"Zane, we have already discussed this. You've blown it," Dad said unsympathetically. "Why don't you move on from the blasted place and go study something."

"It's not just some place, Dad. It means a lot to me. Come on, once it gets going again, I'll pay you back, every cent,"

"Zane, what makes you think you can get the dump back off the ground?" he scoffed. I gritted my teeth.

"A lot of customers are loyal to Rikki's café. I promise I'll invest it well this time,"

"You promise huh?" he scoffed again. "And Rikki's? That girl is not worth your time. Stop pining after her and focus on the real world."

"I'm not pining," I denied. "And she is not just some girl."

"There you go again, Zane. Contradicting yourself. You're still in love with her, even I can tell that,"

I didn't say anything. Dad sighed.

"Look, the matter has been settled. I've said no. I don't want to waste any more money on that place, or on you," Ouch. "You need to get your head out of that disgusting lovesick haze you are in, and go and study business. You need to start thinking about your future."

"My future," I raised my eyebrows. "What do you care?"

"You're my son, I care about what your future holds," he answered.

"Oh really? That's coming from the guy who had abandoned me more times than I can count,"

"Zane," he warned. "You are going to study business. We both know that you cannot run anything on your own. Tell me honestly, what do you want to do with your life?"

That brought me up short. I had really only thought about running the café with Rikki. Now that it was closing, I still was only thinking about my ex-girlfriend. Wow, I really was a lovesick puppy. Gross. No wonder Rikki wanted nothing to do with me. Maybe what I needed to do was prove that I was okay and independent without her...maybe that way I could win her back. But I needed to be near to her to do that. Shoot, I didn't even know what she planned on doing now that she had left school.

"I don't know," I replied. "But I know I don't want to leave just yet. You can't force me into anything, Dad. I know you just want me to do well to make you look good, you don't care at all." I continued sadly, accusingly.

My Dad shook his head.


"No, I know I'm right. You have never gone out of your way for me. You won't give me money when I need it..."

"That's because you lost it all the first time!" Dad interrupted, fiercely. "To keep our lifestyle, I can't just be dropping money for your every whim. I want to be climbing, not falling."

"Because a few thousand will really damage your piggy bank," I rolled my eyes. "Great chat, Dad. I'll just work at a bar or something. Maybe McDonald's will be a great source of income. What will that say to your competitors, huh?"

Dad cared more about image than much else...aside from money. I hoped this argument would work in my favour.

"If I promised to complete a business diploma or degree of some kind, will you give me the money to keep the café?" I asked. "Because if you don't support the café, then I won't go to higher education. You know how much I hated school."

My Dad was seriously considering the offer.

"You promise to go and dedicate yourself to your studies if I save this little café of yours?" he asked to clarify.

"I promise," I replied seriously.

Our eyes met, staring each other down.

I can't believe my Dad, Harrison Bennett, agreed to that. I can't believe I'm going to study. Let's hope I know what I'm doing.

Dad has promised to pay off my debts for the café and staff and run it while I'm away studying. I get to keep the place that means so much to me. I know that if the Café had not had been saved, the next owner would probably demolish the place and build something else. I guess it's like my relationship with Rikki; some things are just worth saving.


I didn't see Rikki at all for a week. As she had said, she was most likely at Mako, probably fixing up Sophie's mess. It meant that I hadn't been able to give her the fantastic news about the café. Today, I was going to actively seek her out. In saying that, she probably wasn't going to like my way of doing that.

I drove my boat over to the beach at Mako after passing the manager's tag to another staff member at the café. I put the anchor in the sand and walked the familiar trek to the land entrance to the moon pool. I sincerely hoped that Bella and Cleo wouldn't be there. A three way attack, verbally or physically, depending on how badly received I am, would not be good at all.

Rikki would kill me if she heard this, but, I believe that she has a soft spot for me – she wouldn't hurt me... at least, not that severely.

I quietly slid down the hole into the moon pool cavern, and went the well-tread route to the pool. I gingerly poked my head around the corner, surveying the landscape. I couldn't believe my luck. Rikki was there, alone. She sat, knees brought up to her chest, sitting on the sand next to where that strange waterfall had been.

"Hey," I said. Oh, that was the wrong approach. Rikki startled suddenly, her eyes snapping to where I stood. Not for the first time, I wondered what I had got myself into.

"Zane," she growled my name. No, not good at all. "What the hell are you doing here?"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is the last in today's uploading spree. Feel free to tell me what you think :D Let me know if it is worth continuing :)

Thanks again!

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