Chapter 9: Graduation

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Chapter 9

Season 3 Episode 26 [Graduation]

The following day, Sophie was back in my office.

"You're talking about mining in a National Park," I said, eyebrows raised. That was wrong on so many levels; it was illegal.

"No one will know until it's too late, right?" Sophie replied. Too late for what? The plan was to split what we had and Rikki would never find out.

"I say we get all we can," Sophie argued. My head fell back against the chair. What did I get myself into? Even Ryan seemed a little hesitant.

"You wouldn't have found any of this, if it wasn't for me. I just want one more visit! You owe me that much," Sophie said persuasively.

"Haven't we done enough damage?" I began, "That place means a lot to people around here," If only she knew how much.

"Forget them!" Sophie exclaimed. If only I could. Maybe I should.

"One night at Mako Island and we never have to work again," Sophie continued forcefully. I looked down. I needed the money. I seriously needed the money. But what about Rikki? Maybe she wouldn't find out – then I could have the money and work on getting her back. The guilt persisted. 'Even if I don't participate they're going to do it anyway,' I rationalised. 'I might as well get a cut,'

"Alright, I'll meet you guys out there after I close up," I said, not meeting Sophie's eyes.

After they left, I put my head in my hands and groaned. I was torn up inside. It felt like nothing was the right decision. Who was I kidding? They were probably going to blow up the place. There was no stopping Sophie. What had I done? Now that the temptation had left the office, I felt things become clearer. If I was ever going to have a chance with Rikki again, then I had to do something. The girls would find out somehow. I loved her. I had done enough damage. It was time to set things right.


I text Rikki. There was no response. That was fair enough. A few minutes later I text her again.

'This really is important. I need to speak with you.'

'I'm not kidding,' I text again. I waited another few minutes. Unless she was swimming she would have seen those texts. Maybe she had deleted me from her contacts – that would be fair enough as well. I deserved it, but maybe she would forgive me some day.

I wasn't getting through to her so I text Cleo. I didn't have Bella's number, but if I did, I would have text her too. They were most likely together. The mermaid club always was. I frowned. I used to be a part of that club. Cleo didn't reply. I text Rikki again. I must look like a desperate idiot to them.

I sighed. I dialled Rikki's number. Maybe she would answer a phone call. It was cancelled after the third ring. I smiled. That meant that she was looking at her phone. I tried again. And again. I was glad I had calls left on my plan. I was surprised when she answered the fifth call.

"What, Zane?" she demanded.

"Hello to you too," I replied.

"You better have a damn good reason to be annoying the hell out of me," she said.

"I do!" I exclaimed, trying to keep her on the line. It was really nice to hear her voice. "I have something really important to tell you, but I don't want to do it over the phone,"

"Zane," she warned.

"No really. I'm being serious. Meet me at the beach in ten?" I asked solemnly.

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