Chapter 8: Damage

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Chapter 8

Season 3 Episode 24

I saw Will and Bella walking together, his arm around her shoulder. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey," I said cheerfully, "I see you and Bella are pretty solid now,"

"Yeah," he replied with a smile, "What of it?"

"Nothing. It's good," I nodded. He looked at me dubiously. "No, really, I'm pleased for you,"

"Okay," he said uncertainly. He began to walk again.

"And, you're happy about her being alone with the band?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he retorted.

"No reason, just ah, don't make the same mistakes I did," I said. I started to walk before stopping.

"What? I'm supposed to take advice from you?" he said incredulously.

"See, I didn't take enough interest in Rikki and her life," I always kicked myself for taking her for granted, not looking after her needs. "Girls like to be the centre of attention," I continued. I walked away, realising that for the first time, I had admitted out loud that I had made mistakes in the relationship. I felt Will's eyes following me as I left.


Season 3 Episode 25

I couldn't believe it – after all the work we had put into the café, we were going under. Just over a week until the doors would be closed – unless of course my Dad changed his mind or I stumbled across some money. Without Rikki, money management had not been the same and the café was suffering in her absence. It didn't help that Sophie had been spending a lot on appearance things and upgrades that then needed to be returned, such as the 'Zane's Café' sign she had ordered. It was not just disappointment that all my hard work would be for nothing, but Rikki's Café closing would sever my ties to Rikki – it was almost a symbol of our relationship – once it was gone, so too would be my chance. Maybe it was time to move on.

As I sat, looking out to sea, I saw Rikki approaching. When she saw me, she looked away, pretending not to notice. It made me sad.

"What? You're not even acknowledging me now?"

"Why should I?" Rikki replied in resignation. She made a fair point. I had been an idiot.

"Okay," I replied. "I probably deserve that."

"And the rest of it?"

"Okay. Go for it," I said pointing at my face, "Take your best shot."

"Nah," she replied, "You're too easy a target at the moment," I missed this banter, but she was right. I just looked out at the sea again.

"See, no comeback," she said. I shook my head.

"Not today," I replied.

"Don't sulk," she said, "I could be a lot meaner you know, without even trying," she said with a smirk. I knew that was true. I sighed.

"It's not you, it's the café," I said sadly, "It's going under,"

"If this is some game you're playing, I'm not falling for it," she said.

"I wish it was," I replied honestly. "But at this rate, I'm going to have to close the doors by the end of the week," She had an expression of disbelief. I had her attention for once. She too now looked sad.

"Even after all the work we did?"

I nodded. "Yeah." She came and sat by me.

"It's not the same without you," I stated truthfully. There was a depressed pause between us.

"Go and ask your daddy for money,"

"I did. He said it was my last chance and that I had blown it," I continued, "It's funny, 'cause that's exactly what you said about us,"

It felt like there was mutual feeling and atmosphere between us, one of melancholy and disappointment. After a long pause, I broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, Rikki," I said earnestly. "I don't know how else to express it,"

She looked greatly taken aback. She knew how rarely I apologised. She put a comforting hand on my shoulder, not saying anything. After a moment, she got up and walked away from the beach.

I too got up and began to walk back to the café. It was time to face real life again.


When Sophie and Ryan proposed a plan of getting rich from Mako rock, I was hesitant. They were talking about the moon pool. That place meant so much to Rikki, Cleo, Bella and Emma (wherever she was). They said they would only need a sample and that no one would notice. In and out was appealing. It sounded like I would be getting rich for minimal damage. My money was virtually gone anyway. It sounded like a good gamble. It sounded like Sophie would be doing this anyway – if not through me, she would find another person would money – she was always a schemer. Against my better judgement, I went through with their plan.

Once we arrived at the moon pool, I went in first to make sure the girls weren't there. It was really hot in there. The closer we got, the guiltier I felt.

"This doesn't feel right," I said. I wanted to leave. Sophie said that we had solved our financial problems when the precious rock was excavated. I swallowed. Why did I allow this to happen? She was never going to forgive me for this.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think :D

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