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This is my first here so please bear with me and I haven't written in a really REALLY long time, maybe a year because college and duties and responsibilities and all so I hope you enjoy! 

I'll also be adding a few OCs but they won't really take much part in the story.



The 27th expedition, led by Commander Keith Shadis, was to take place in 3 days and Levi wasn't really looking forward to the expedition. They have lost so many men in the process and Levi also lost people whom he treasured the most, Isabel and Farlan. He would never forget the rage he felt when he found out what that Titan did to the people he considered as family. With those in his mind, he kept a stoic face, blocking out Hanji's mumbo jumbo about her curiosity and fascination with Titans. They were at the usual table, Levi was drinking his tea, not listening to a word Hanji was saying, until Commander Shadis came in with a few new recruits, two boys and one girl, though the girl gave off a familiar aura to him.

"These are the new recruits. Robin Streint, Tristan Tuckerman and Gabrielle Hall." The Commander said and one by one and as their names were called, they gave a salute, but what caught Hanji and Levi's attention was the salute of the girl. It reminded him of Isabela, the way her eyes and smile were full of determination, but he thought there was something terrifying about her. He couldn't name it but he can definitely sense it. 

"Strong persona she's got." Hanji suddenly mentioned in the middle of her titan craze, but it seemed that Levi didn't care, but he did. Not only they had the same stance, but they had the same blazing passion that Isabel possessed.

"Robin Streint and Tristan Tuckerman will be under me, while Gabrielle Hall will be assigned to Flagon" Shadis announced and Gabrielle practically squealed in delight. It was her dream to be in the scouts and she finally achieved it. Ever since she heard of Levi's talents, she has always wanted to work with him.

"Great. Another brat to deal with. I already got Hanji, now her. " Levi thought.

Gabrielle gave her two friends, Robin and Tristan a pat on the back before walking towards the table of Flagon and his squad. Levi groaned inwardly but maintained a straight face. Once she sat down right across him, he gave a cold hard glare, but she didn't flinch. He expected her to do so but she didn't, to his surprise.

"The commander must be nuts to send new recruits just 3 days before the expedition." Petra said but Hanji smiled at the new girl and immediately grabbed her hands and started babbling away.

"Wow, you must be really skilled to be put here just 3 days before an excursion!" Everyone stared at Hanji, but Levi was observing the new girl. He is hostile and will always be hostile. Levi isn't afraid to show that.

"Do you like Titans?"

"How good at you 3DMG?"


Hanji's voice was too loud for her own good that everyone in the mess hall stared at them and the rest of them had to groan and hide their faces. Gabrielle was taken aback by the last question but maintained her calm and answered one by one.

"No. I hate Titans and I am here to slay them all. I am said to be better than the rest at 3DMG but I don't believe them and lastly... uh... no. I have no interest in men and my interest lies in the upcoming expedition." Gabrielle said and smiled at Hanji, who was amazed at her answer at her last question. She was neither affirming it nor denying it.

"You, brat, just because you dodged Hanji's question cleverly, doesn't mean you can dodge my remarks either." Levi said, giving Gabrielle those cold eyes. Everyone around the table "ooohed" at Levi's comment, but she was smart enough to know how he works.

"I'm not planning to dodge them, I'm planning to attack your remarks and comments but making an even bigger blow, shorty." She smiled at him, totally unfazed with his attitude. Levi stood up and so did she and he was, indeed shorter than the rest of the men because Gabrielle and Levi stood almost eye to eye.

"Alright you two, settle down before I handcuff you two together for a whole week." Flagon said and Gabrielle sat back down while Levi wanted to walk back to his room, he was stopped by Flagon.

"A whole week?! I wonder what that's like!! I bet it would be so loud because they've both got sassy remarks!" Hanji mentioned and Levi rolled his eyes while Gabrielle chuckled.

"Cadet Hall, may I know, specifically why you are here?" Flagon asked and Levi noticed that she lost her composure for a millisecond then went back to normal. Gabrielle on the other hand, didn't really want to talk about it since it was a very sensitive issue for her, but she brushed it off and smiled again, like she always does and answered the question.

"To avenge my family."

The way the newbie said it, made everyone look at each other then back at her. Flagon thought that she was more mature than she looks.

Dinner was over and Gabrielle was the last to leave since she helped clean up the plates and wipe the tables. It was her way of showing how grateful she was that she was accepted into the Survey Corps just 3 days before an expedition. She was excited of course, but she was also scared. Who knows what's going to happen and if she would make it back alive. She frowned but then shook her head and reminded herself that she needs to stay alive. She was doing this for her younger brother after all. After she had cleaned the plates and wiped the tables, she dusted off her jacket and went out of the mess hall, only to see Levi leaning against the wall. She nodded at him and walked away but he suddenly grabbed her arm, preventing her from going any further.

"You and I, we aren't that different." It was barely a whisper but she heard it.

"You know nothing, Levi." The tone in her voice changed. It wasn't polite, nor cheery, instead, it was filled with seriousness and hurt that he was at a loss for words. He let her arm go and started walking but she said something that caught him off guard.

"Maybe we aren't different. Maybe we are exactly the same." she walked off into the darkness, leaving Levi alone to his thoughts. 


Okay that was shorter than I expected but there'll be more! see you all soon!

Wings of Freedom (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now