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Well it was hard sneaking some scenes in for the main omg ;w;



Gabrielle was feeling weak. She looked down at her torso and then at her foot. There wasn't that much blood but she could feel that a lot of bones were broken in her body. She could hear the Titan screams from where she was and dared not to look back. This was the worst expedition of her life and she would never forget what she saw and what she experienced. She admits that she has seen death of so many people who joined the Survey Corps, but she felt extremely guilty for the death of her friends and fellow squad members. She thought that she should have also prioritized Petra's safety, but everything was so fast and the Titan was too strong. She couldn't react and move properly. It was a miracle that she was alive.

She saw the end of the forest and was relieved to see light and when she let go of the trigger of her 3DMG, not bothering to retract her hooks as she fell to the ground, rolling in the process. The rest of the Survey Corps saw her burst out of the trees and soon after her was Levi and Mikasa, who had Eren, covered in Titan saliva, in her arms. Gabrielle felt really week. She struggled to get up but she couldn't. She couldn't even feel the pain in her body anymore. She looked at her hands and there was blood. She couldn't tell if it was her own or if it was her friend's. She was sure that it wasn't Titan blood because it was not evaporating. She heard someone running towards her, the light of the sun that was about to set blinding her line of vision.

"I told you not to do anything stupid. How could you be so stubborn?" It was Levi. She could tell by the way he scolded her. He brushed the hair out of her face and wiped the dirt and blood from her face, still keeping up his facade of indifference. 

"Had... to save... Eren."She said and he sighed. He carried her to the soldiers who were attending to the injured. She buried her face in his chest and started sobbing. He couldn't handle seeing her injured now she's sobbing. Levi was good at putting up a mask but deep down inside, he was hurting. 

"What about the others?" he asked as he sat her down on one of the carriages. He knew that it was a stupid question, but he needed confirmation. The soldiers started to attend to her immediately. Gabrielle's vision was getting blurrier by the second and she looked at the fading image of Levi. She thought she was hallucinating because for a second, she saw sadness and grief in his steely eyes.

She just shook her head and felt tears stream down her face before losing consciousness.

Levi caught her and placed her head down gently, doing his best to keep his face of indifference up. His squad members died, Gabrielle was severely injured and he lost another loved one to a Titan. He watched as the medics of the Survey Corps tended to the only survivor of his squad. She looked like a wreck. Blood stained her dark green cape that bore the wings of freedom, her foot was twisted in an awkward angle and the blood on her torso was seeping through her uniform. It looked disgusting but he didn't care. He was relieved and glad she was alive.


"What?" Levi snapped at the poor medic. The man flinched and shakily reported Gabrielle's condition.

"S-sir... it's... she's lucky to be alive. Most of her ribs have been broken based on the bruises on her torso... a-and her foot... is not i-in a very good condition." The medic said and Levi glared at him, not liking the report that the poor man just gave him. He hated it when people stated the obvious, especially in dire situations, such as an expedition. This man pointed out what can be clearly seen.

"I am perfectly aware that she is not in a 'very good condition'." His voice was as cold as ice and his glare could kill the remaining population of humanity. The medic gulped, sweating buckets. He was afraid of what Humanity's Strongest is capable of doing.

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