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Left ya'll hanging there didn't I? *cue evil laugh*

I intended that though hehehe *gets hit by Levi*

Anyway, here's another chapter and I hope you like it!!


YEAR 850

Levi was in his office, doing the paperwork that Erwin, now Commander, left him to do. His mind is a mess but his desk was clean, with a hint of lemon on it. His paperwork consists of budgets, materials, expedition dates, anything related to organizing, it was thrown to him. He rubbed his temples and took a sip from his tea and closed his eyes. He had some peace and quiet for a good 10 seconds before the door opened, revealing Gabrielle with a tray of food.

"Gabrielle Hall. I've come to give you some lunch. You've been there since breakfast ended."

Levi just looked at Gabrielle who had a bright smile on her face, but he knew there was something behind that smile. She let herself in and placed the tray on his desk, careful not to mess with the paperwork that he was attending to. She turned around and leaned on his table and crossed her arms.

"It's a beautiful day outside and why don't you get some sunlight? You're paler than usual!" Gabrielle said. Levi looked outside his window and saw the new cadets training. His eyes were on Eren Jaeger but quickly shifted to Petra, who was busy teaching them how to ride a horse properly.

"It's about time you confess your feelings for her." Gabrielle said and nudged Levi on his ribs, which caused him to scowl and the former to chuckle.

"EVERYONE knows Levi. It's so obvious and besides, who flirts by saying that she slays titans better than you do? Really? Way to compliment, lover boy. You know, you need-" Levi placed a hand over Gabrielle's mouth and looked straight into her eyes. She blinked since she didn't know what to do. She's seen those piercing grey eyes for years but never this close and not in this situation then she unknowingly blushed.

"Shut your trap, Hall, before anyone hears us." Levi hissed and removed his hand from her mouth, only to see a touch of pink on her cheeks, then suddenly, it disappeared.

"Jeez, you don't need to be so touchy about it. I hope you like your lunch. It's your favorite." Gabrielle walked out the door a bit flustered at what happened. She clutched her chest and felt her heart pound ten times faster than usual so she took deep breaths and when she thought she was calm, someone suddenly grabbed her arm, causing her to scream.

"Gabrielle, it's me, Hanji!" She gave Gabrielle a smile and the latter gave Hanji a smack on the head, causing her to groan.

"Don't do that! We're in front of Levi's office and he'll have my head and yours for being noisy!" Gabrielle said and Hanji raised an eyebrow and then chuckled darkly.

"Why are you laughing like that?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's go see Bean and Sawney!!" Hanji pulled Gabrielle away and to the stable.



Levi was busy training his new recruit, Eren Jaeger, practically beating up the poor boy to death. Levi kept his usual stoic face on as he kept on attacking Eren, hitting him in the face, in the stomach and in the groins, causing the boy to fall down. He was about to give the final blow when a hand clasped on his wrist, then pushed him downward to the ground. It was Petra. He controlled the urge to blush and he hid it well as he stood up and dusted off his uniform.

"Captain Levi, have mercy on the kid. He's still new." She said in her usual sweet voice. Sometimes, Levi thought that Gabrielle should be more like Petra. Sweet but gruesome in the battlefield but then again, she wasn't. Gabrielle was not one to show affection so much but she was as good as him when it comes to the Titans.

"Titans won't have mercy on this idiot, Petra." He said with a straight face but she merely chuckled and helped Eren up.

"He'll loosen up sooner or later. You should stick with Gabrielle. When you're with her, he won't be able to lay a finger on you." Petra said, wiping off the blood on Eren's face. The way she cared for every cadet that she talks to makes him feel... a bit soft inside and he fought the urge to smile.

"You mean THE Gabrielle Hall?? The woman who slays 3 titans in 5 minutes?" Eren asked, his eyes sparkling and Levi was angry at the boy for admiring Gabrielle like that. 3 Titans in 5 minutes? Levi could beat that any day. He just hasn't had the chance.

"Come let's go look for her." Petra said then waved goodbye to Levi, who just nodded at her.

Levi was busy sipping his tea during dinner time, to actually care that Eren was asking for advice on killing Titans from Gabrielle. He doesn't know what to call her. Is she a friend, a best friend, sister, he almost gagged at the thought of sister, or something more? Again, he wanted to puke at the thought of Gabrielle as something more than what they are right now. Colleague would best suit her, but he thought would a colleague stay with him during the night when he has nightmares? She was the only one who knew about it. Also, bring his favorite food to his office and pick jokes on him like her life wasn't in danger when she ticked him off? He shook those thoughts away and glared at Eren. Why are his eyes shining like that when he talked to her?

"Hey, why are you shooting daggers at the new kid?" It was Oluo. Levi decided not to reply but just glare at the man and return to glaring at Eren.

"Someone's jealous!! Hehehe. But I thought you like Petra?" Gunther sat down on Levi's right and it took all of Levi's might not to punch the man in the face.

"I can feel a love triangle coming up, Gunther." Oluo replied and both of them laughed boisterously at the thought and the opportunity to tease the Captain.

"Shut your traps." Levi said before leaving for his room. He glanced back at Gabrielle who waved at him then he looked ahead and went to his room to contemplate then do paperwork.

"Hold up, Eren. Mr. Grumpy seems ten times grumpier today." Gabrielle said as she ruffled Eren's hair and walked up to Levi's office. Everyone was at the mess hall since it was dinner and she need not to knock. She let herself inside and saw that he wasn't writing as usual on his desk, so she went to the adjoined bedroom and opened the door and saw him sulking on the edge of the bed. She sighed and leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms.

"Hey there, grumpy. Mind telling me what's your problem?" she asked and he looked at her with the same old stoic face and unreadable grey eyes.

"I don't know. Get out of my room, Hall." Levi said and Gabrielle raised her eyebrows and sat down beside him then plopped down on the bed. The sheets smelled like lemons and she smiled and smelled it again.

"Is it about Isabela?" Gabrielle softly asked. Levi and Gabrielle were the only people who knew of what he really felt about that girl. Isabela was the person who showed him that kindness can have some benefit and that determination can also win over talent. Every time he thinks about her, and Farlan's death, he just has the drive to rid the Titans of the earth, and bring everyone from the underground city to the surface.

"Somehow. You're kinda like her." Levi said, his monotonous voice filling the air.

"Yeah, you told me that a million times." She said and Levi knew that "kinda" wasn't the word. She was almost exactly like Isabela, but something else, he doesn't know what, makes Gabrielle different from the girl.

"Good you know, Hall."

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