Chapter Ten

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cupcakeharry: nobody, nobody

cupcakeharry: nobody can drag me down

cupcakeharry: i've had the song on repeat since it got released and i am DYING.

cupcakeharry: it is so amazingly brilliant louis !!

LouisTomlinson94: glad you enjoy and like it haha :)

LouisTomlinson94: and yeah, niall did an excellent job with the song :)

cupcakeharry: i'm still shocked that you are willingly chatting with me

cupcakeharry: wanna hear a joke? :D

LouisTomlinson94: sure harry, i'm all ears:) or well not really since it's virtual and all that haha

cupcakeharry: why did the cookie go to the hospital?:D

LouisTomlinson94: i don't know, why my dear harry ?

cupcakeharry: because he fELT CRUMMY :DDDD also i am brbing cuz fangirling over the fact that you called me dear harry wOW

LouisTomlinson94: wow that was so cheesy and lame but i liked it haha !! :p

LouisTomlinson94: wanna hear one of my own jokes ? :)

cupcakeharry: i am still alive and yes please thank you

LouisTomlinson94: do you remember eleanor ?

cupcakeharry: wish i didn't but yes i unfortunately do

LouisTomlinson94: well, she was a joke ! :) she was sooo annoying and clingy :( i got easily irritated by her

cupcakeharry: i should feel bad for laughing but i don't really

cupcakeharry: by the wayyyyyy there is... twenty three days until i get to see you guys !

cupcakeharry: louis ?

cupcakeharry: louissssssss

cupcakeharry: see you later/tomorrow i guess then..


So many reads/votes already? That's insane rofl. I'm so happy :D thank you guys so much.

P.S. yes, it is my intention to make Haz a little.. obsessive

Love you!

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