Chapter Twenty

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Harry: You fookin liar

Harry: I didn't think you would go that low

Harry: Knocking up someone

Harry: That's low

Harry: You even kind of confirmed it

Louis: Harry listen !

Harry: No, Louis. You're seriously the lowest of low right now.

Harry: I thought you'd be wiser.

Harry: As you once said to NB; you inconsiderate pal.

Louis: Harry I can explain

Harry: I don't want an explanation !

Louis: Harry please !

Harry: Louis I'm so mad and devastated right now you wouldn't even

Harry: I'm crying right now, actually

Harry: Not because you're going to be a father, but because you lied to me

Louis: Harry fucking listen for once

Harry: No Louis ! I'm done !


Louis didn't confirm it at all, nope fuk dat shizz.

Did you see the boys smug faces?

theyre cunts for pulling that card, but i absolutely love them

rip feelings and everything else

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