Chapter Twenty Three

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Louis: excuse me

Harry: lou, are you gay ?

Louis: uh

Louis: i mean

Louis: i dont think so, no

Harry: but

Harry: youve just acted really like

Harry: i dont even know but

Louis: i mean i find you attractive and your curls just makes me overwhelmed and like i think about what youre doing and how youre holding up a lot

Louis: and im really excited to meet you and talk to you in private without the other boys

Louis: and i think about you a lot

Louis: oh shoot i already said that hah

Harry: louis

Harry: you're gay, darling

Louis: only for you then, i guess

Louis: shit

Louis: fucking shit shit shit shit

Louis: management's going to kill me

Louis: fucccccccck

Harry: louis relax im not saying anything to anyone

Louis: you better swear on that

Harry: why would i ? can be our little secret :)

Louis: thank god harry why are you so nice

Harry: i think i got it from my mum i dont know

Louis: but, our secret, yes ?

Harry: of course x



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