Harry: so nick tried to kiss me today
Louis: he what
Harry: yeah he pinned me against a wall and tried to shove his tongue down my throat
Louis: what a cunt
Harry: whoa whoa there
Harry: i rejected him
Harry: and we havent spoken since
Louis: good, what did you do ?
Harry: pushed him off of me
Louis: did you hurt him in any way
Harry: i dont think so no
Louis: okay good
Louis: I want to have that privilege
Harry: you want what
Louis: the privilege to hurt him
Harry: sure go ahead
Harry: i think he dislikes me for rejecting him too
Louis: he should
Louis: stay the fuck away from you
Harry: calm doooooooooown louiiiiis
Louis: sorry harry
Louis: eh
Harry: its okay lou
Louis: lou
Louis: how adorable
Harry: thxxxxxxxx
Louis: ill write to you later okay ?
Harry: sureee x
teh ex
From Fame To Blame ∞ l.s
FanfictionThey chat like teenagers and things get spicy. The grammar is absolutely horrible, but I'm too lazy to edit it.