Chapter Thirty Three

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Harry: do

Harry: you wanna

Harry: build a

Louis: no

Louis: go away

Harry: knock knock

Louis: use the doorbell cnt

Harry: whyre you so rude today

Harry: i want purry kitten louboumoo back

Louis: go to hell, stangly legs

Harry: exCUSE ME

Harry: you can make fun of my mum, you can make fun of my sister, but if you make fun of my legs ill fookin stab a bitch !

Louis: is dat a threat cause like youre not intimidating

Louis: like youre this big tough guy on the outside

Louis: but youre this barbie doll on the inside

Harry: youre so delusional


Louis: who tf is neck

Louis: nick

Louis: my phone's so cool that it wont even spell to nick so it changed it to neck

Louis: i luv me fone

Harry: can i continue

Louis: no but sure

Harry: wot


Harry: nick tried to hug me today and i hugged him back but then he patted my bum and i was like tf u doin get off

Harry: so i yelled rape and ran

Louis: harry is the next-gen spy

Harry: yes. *puts on sunglasses* yes i am

Louis: im in love with a dork, and all his little things

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