Chapter Eleven

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cupcakeharry: louis louis louis louis louis louis louis

cupcakeharry: i have great news

cupcakeharry: and i've got a joke to tell you, too !!

LouisTomlinson94: harry it's 3 in the morning what do you want

LouisTomlinson94: you woke me up

LouisTomlinson94: and i need my beauty sleep

LouisTomlinson94: the one you rudely interrupted thank you by the way

cupcakeharry: well... my joke will make you happier :D i promise

LouisTomlinson94: if i let you tell me the joke, will you let me sleep again ?

cupcakeharry: sureeeee louis

LouisTomlinson94: then shoot, darling

cupcakeharry: daRLinG

cupcakeharry: anyway

cupcakeharry: what did the one toilet say to the other toilet ?

LouisTomlinson94: tell me

cupcakeharry: no you need to guess first silly

LouisTomlinson94: um.. you look watery delicious ?

cupcakeharry: how lame, guess again

LouisTomlinson94: i am very hilarious thank you very much.

cupcakeharry: you really are, fool

LouisTomlinson94: harry i want to sleep just tell me please

cupcakeharry: it said you look flushed

LouisTomlinson94: ......

cupcakeharry: louis

cupcakeharry: louiiiiiiis

cupcakeharry: it's been twenty minutes louuu

cupcakeharry: if i see on the news tomorrow you died of laughter don't blame me okay ? okay

cupcakeharry: ew i just wrote a stupid reference to tfios

cupcakeharry: my mum is waiting for me so bye louis


The Fault In Our Stars is a lovely movie, I cried myself while watching it. But the "okay?" "okay." is getting a little old now, sorrynotsorry lovelies. x

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