Chapter Fifteen ~ Sick

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"Who the hell are you?" Daryl growled to the five men staring back at us.

"We need to get back. He's bleeding out." Rick and the rest of the group hadn't noticed the men yet.

"Come on out 'a there." Daryl waved his bow to the left of the group, coaxing the men out of their hiding spot, allowing Glenn to run into the room and back out with a rolling table. "Slow and steady."

The first man, the one who looked like the leader, had long greasy hair pushed back, the handle of a gun peaking out of the jumpsuit he had tied around his waist. "Gun." I mumbled, alerting Daryl to the weapon.

"What happened to him?" The leader asked.

"Got bit." Daryl said, aiming his bow higher, toward his head.

"Bit?" A shorter black man seemed scared by our word, like he didn't know what was going on. The leader had managed to pull his gun, the barrel aimed for Daryl's chest, T and I both drawing our weapons and flanking Daryl's sides.

"Whoa. We don't need anyone else getting hurt." I tried calming the situation before we had two injured people to care for.

"Skye, get the door." Rick calls, rolling Hershel further into the back of the room for protection. "We gotta go now! Get those doors open."

I spare a glance at Daryl to make sure he was ok with the five other men, dashing over to Rick's side to pull my knife from the chains and allowing the metal to fall to the ground. "Ready?" I looked to Rick, earning myself a nod.

"A-are you crazy? Don't open that!" An older man with blonde-ish hair almost shrieked.

I rolled my eyes at the men's reactions. "We got this." With that, my hand tightened on my knife and I let one of the two doors swing open, giving us a chance to keep up with the incoming walkers and not be overrun. Rick and I make quick work of dropping the ten or so walkers that had been pounding on the doors, letting Glenn and Maggie push Hershel out into the halls and back towards camp. "Daryl!" I called from down the hall. "I need the keys!" Daryl was nowhere to be seen, probably still back a way in the halls making sure the men we met wouldn't be a problem while we were preoccupied. "Carl!" I shouted, running past Glenn and Maggie to get the gates open faster. "Hurry! Open the door!"

"Oh god." I heard Carol mumble from her place beside Lori as Glenn and Maggie rolled Hershel into the block and to his cell.

"Daddy!" Beth shrieks, causing goosebumps to cover my skin at the fear in her voice, and runs for her father. The blood that covered Hershel and the table was horrifying, something you would only ever see in a thriller movie. Nearly everyone had made it back into the living space of our block, everyone except for Daryl. Instantly I made my way out of the chaos of the block and into the small eating space right outside, making sure the gate shut and locked behind me to keep the rest of the group safe.

"Daryl?" He quickly put a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet, as he watched the door that lead further into the prison. Daryl's bow was held tightly in one hand, aimed through the doorways, while his other beckoned me to stand closer to him. I took his hand in mine and allowed him to pull me behind his left shoulder.

The five men trickled through the doors, looking around the space. My hand fell to rest on my gun, ready in case the main man tried anything with his weapon, but I stayed where Daryl put me, knowing it would make him feel better about the situation.

"That's far enough." Daryl warned, both hands now on the

"Cell block C, cell four, that's mine. Let me in." The gun man demanded, stepping forward in an intimidating way.

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