Chapter Forty-Two~ Forget

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Rick decided early the next morning that we were alright to spread out through the houses we were given. I now shared the larger house with Daryl, Jasper, the Grimes family, and Merle. Most of the rest were in the house next door, and a few were given the smaller house across the street for us to spread out in. Rick had given Daryl and I the master, claiming it made more sense, Jasper and Carl shared the next largest bedroom, and then Rick and Merle in their own, smaller rooms. Rick and I decided we would split where Judith slept to give each other breaks through the nights, so both rooms were equipped with a crib and dresser to hold her things.

Jasper and Carl had spent nearly a whole day rearranging their room, moving the posters that had been there, cleaning out the shelves of the books they wouldn't read and placing their comics up there. They even moved the bed frames around to better the space in the room.

Rick, Carol, Daryl and I were out in the woods surrounding Alexandria. Rick had claimed that he wanted to show us something, giving Alexandria the excuse of us teaching Carol how to shoot. We were stood in a half-circle, all listening for the walker we could faintly hear. "I don't see it, but it's close." Daryl pulled the bow higher up on his shoulder.

"We won't be here long." Rick assured us as we continued to look around. "So, what do you think?"

"We'll go in when its empty." Carol said.

"How's that?" I asked. "It's locked up at night." Rick had the idea of getting a few guns out of the armory to have on us and around the community in case anything was to go wrong. Rick and Michonne were the only ones allowed to carry inside the walls due to their "job".

"The window." Carol mentioned with a shrug. "There's just a latch, I can leave it open."

Rick smirked. "A latch?"

Carol rolled her eyes. "Yeah." It was obviously top-notch security on a room filled with weapons.

"What if one of those pricks shuts it?" Daryl wondered.

"Wait a couple of days, leave it open again." I offered just as the walker growls intensified. "It's getting closer."

"We need to do it sooner than later." Rick continued. "Right now, they're not watching us, not worrying about meetings like this. We may need the guns, we may not."

"We will." Carol seemed so sure that something would happen soon, and it worried me. I didn't want to lose this place too quickly. "Whatever way it goes."

"They are the luckiest damn people I ever met." Rick mumbled, glancing around between us. "And they just keep getting luckier."

"How?" I ask, tucking my hands into the pockets of my worn jacket.

Rick shrugged. "We're here now."

"They got a couple of foot lockers just full of nine-millimeter auto's, a few Cal-tech's just tossed in there. They don't use them; they'll never know they were gone." Carol mentioned and Daryl seemed almost annoyed at how they kept track of the weapons.

"Someone's got one now, right?" We looked back at the now empty blender that Rick had hidden a pistol in when we first got out here.

"Listen, the others, we want them to try." I nodded at Rick's words.

"Even you." Carol looked at Daryl, who still had yet to take advantage of the showers.

"So, we keep it quiet. Just us." The three of us agreed with Rick. He nodded behind me at the walker. "Here it comes."

"I got him." Daryl stepped forward.

"Wait!" I warned as Carol stepped up and aimed her silenced gun at the threat. She fired her entire clip into the single walker, the final shot killing it for good.

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