Chapter Forty-three ~ Try & Conquer

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It's now been about three weeks since we showed up here and we were all becoming more comfortable with the new way of life. Fresh clean clothes and enough food to actually fill our stomachs was a godsend after the months we went struggling. Jasper and Carl had been taking a few "classes" with the other kids in the morning before getting to spend their afternoon however they liked. I had been working on letting Jasper run around with the other kids, telling myself that Carl would be with him and that he'd be safe.

Today was the first day Aaron was taking Daryl and I out to search for people and supplies. We had packed our bags the night before, ready when Aaron came to get us right after the sun rose. I moved Judith into Rick's room, saying goodbye for the next few days, and heading down to do the same with Jasper.

"Hey buddy." I smiled at him as he sat with Merle at the kitchen table eating dry cereal. "I'm heading out and I'll be back soon, ok?" He nodded. "Be good for Merle, he's in charge."

"Ok." Jasper stood from his seat and came over to me. "Be careful, ok?"

"I always am little man. Someone's got a birthday in a few days that I gotta be back for." A bright smile covered his face. "I have your present now, if you want it." I knelt down in front of him and pulled a small knife from my back pocket. "This is not a toy, alright? You don't play with it and you don't give it to anyone else. I want you to start learning how to protect yourself. You're getting so big and you're going to do great. Merle's gonna start teaching you, and if you don't use it right, he's gonna take it away."

Jasper's eyes shined at the small knife. "Really?"

"Yep. It's all yours."

"Thank you!" He jumped forward into my arms, knocking the both of us over onto the floor. Both of us were laughing, Merle even smiling from his chair at the table as Daryl came down the stairs.

"What are you two doin'?" He questioned, stopping right by my head.

"He's attacking me!" I yelled, making Jasper laugh even harder. "Help me!"

Daryl and Merle looked at each other before heading over. Merle wrapped his arms around Jasper and pulled him into the air so I could stand. "Let me go!" Jasper was still laughing his head off as I got to my feet.

"Ok bud." I said and had Merle put him down. "I gotta go but keep this safe. I'm sure Merle can show you a few things while I'm gone. I love you buddy."

Jasper walked into my arms and gave me a tight hug, squeezing me till I thought I would fall over again. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I kissed his head and stepped back. "Be careful."

"You too He whispered.

Merle grabbed him up to make him smile as I joined Daryl's side. "I got him, you go out there and find some more people."

Daryl handed me my bag and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Thank you, Merle!"

"Bye guys." We headed out to the front gates where Aaron had a car and the bike waiting. "Let's do this."

Daryl had been working on the bike for the last week and a half, making sure everything was in proper condition and even managing to find a double seat in the mess of parts Aaron had. We tossed our bags into Aaron's car, the bow across my back as we both got on the bike. Sasha pulled the gates open, and with a roar from the bike starting, we were speeding down the road away from Alexandria.

Aaron stayed in the lead with his car, taking us far from Alexandria. My arms were wrapped around Daryl's waist tightly, head on his back as I watched the world fly by around us. The day was uneventful. We drove for most of it, only taking breaks to get some food before we finally stopped for the night on the side of the road.

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