I dare Freddy and Bonnie to switch band roles

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Asker: @dragoncheesecake

Freddy and Bonnie~ What?!?

Goose~ I'm pretty sure you guys aren't deaf.

Dragoncheesecake~ Heheheh >:) *evil grin* Now you guys *takes Bonnie's guitar and now tie and Freddy's microphone bow and hat* have to act like the other person for a whole day! *switches the items*

Freddy and Bonnie~ NO MY BABIES!!

Goose~ this is going to be a Good chapter.

Foxy~ so we got a dare? To who and what?

Goose~ the dare is that Bonnie and Freddy have to switch places for a whole day.

Foxy~ oh good God I need to buy some earplugs...

Freddy~ we can't just switch places! I don't even know HOW to play guitar! And my hat is MINE!

Bonnie~ I think I look pretty dapper in this hat. I could do this. You better not scratch my guitar Freddy.

Freddy~ I wouldn't dream of it.

Goose~ I bet the first customers will be here soon. It's 12:30.

*(in spongebob narration voice) three seconds later*

*front doors open*

Kids~ Mommy!! Freddy Fazbear!! Can I have a big pizza? I'm grown up now! Mommy can I just have plain cheese? Daddy when does the show start? Mother look it's Bonnie the Bunny!! ¿¡Donde está mi pizza?!

Parents~ ... *sigh*

Goose~ man full crowd. Freddy you better learn guitar in about *checks imaginary watch* a few minutes. I don't have a watch so I don't know when the next show starts.

Freddy~ the next show starts at 1:00. We would have done one at 12:00, but the kids decided to be here at 12:01 so we aren't doing it.

Goose~ i don't know if I want to be the one to tell them that...

Bonnie~ don't worry, you don't work here. Jacob here is the person who had to tell them!

Jacob~ *going onto the stage* Hi kids! I bet you're all excited to see Freddy Fazbear and is friends up on stage huh?

Kids~ yay!!

Jacob~ Freddy and his gang are pretty tired, so they are going to go chow down on some Freddy Fazbear Pizza! They won't be doing a show at their normal 12:30 show time, the first show is rescheduled to the next show time, at 1:00 o'clock. Thanks and I hope you enjoy your time at Freddy Fazbear Pizza, where magic and fun come to life!

Goose~ he does a pretty good job.

Bonnie~ yeah Jacob likes us. He talks to us sometimes when you aren't here. But don't worry, we stick to the code- we don't talk to him.

Goose~ ok... Good.

Freddy~ um guys? I have to learn to play the guitar in thirty minutes.

Bonnie~ I don't know about you but I'm rocking the top hat.

Goose~ can that even be considered a top hat? It's so short.

Bonnie~ ok black hat. Whatever it is, I'm rocking it.

Freddy~ oh I have one finale question, what are the kids going to think when Bonnie goes up and sing while I'm on guitar?

Bonnie~ oh I forgot about that...

Goose~ oh well. It's for a dare. Ugh, do you guys have any mint chocolate chip ice cream?

Bonnie~ of course! Go see Chica.

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