I dare Bonnie and Chica to go on a date.

41 3 7

Asker: dragoncheesecake

Goose~ hey Chica! I am real man too wanna go skateboards?

Chica~ Pardon?

Goose~ sorry quoting asdfmovie, anyways do you wanna go bowling?

Chica~ totally sounds fun!

Goose~ good because you are going with Bonnie.

Chica~ ok.

Goose~ *walks away*


Golden Freddy~ hey Bonnie you know what you totally should do?

Bonnie~ what?

Golden Freddy~ Go bowling with Chica.

Bonnie~ you set us up?

Golden Freddy~ yup. Go talk to Chica and Goose. I've done my job. Now excuse me I have business to attend to...

Bonnie~ ?
*several hours later*

Golden Freddy~ there's always tomorrow.

Goose~ TURD!!

Bonnie~ Alright Goose, I'm ready.

Chica~ So am I.

Goose~ Well in not holding you up- GO!

Golden Freddy~ ... They don't know where they are going.

Goose~ they are going on a date! That's where they are going!

Golden Freddy~ Goose, they don't know where the bowling alley IS.

Goose~ *takes bite out of pizza* oh. It's called Stardust Bowling Alley. It's based off of a real bowling alley I saw once. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that.

Golden Freddy~ Do you want to TAKE them there?

Goose~ but I'm eating my dinner! *takes large bite of pizza*

Golden Freddy~ *glares*

Goose~ ok ok ok. Follow mwa.

*a few minutes later*

Goose~ haha! Thank Goose for teleporters! Ha, get it? Cuz I'm Goose, and I created the telepor- oh forget it. *turns to face building* and here we are!

Chica~ yay I love bowling!

Goose~ *walks in yelling over shoulder* you guys coming?


Goose~ *walks back outside* what's up?

Bonnie~ can this be an "us" night?

Goose~ c'mon guys! I gotta record cuz it's a darrrre! I recorded my date with Golden Freddy!

Chica~ that's different.

Goose~ how so?

Chica~ you are both reporters. It would be ironic if you DIDNT record that dare.

Goose~ -_- lame.

Bonnie~ wish us good Strikes!

*Bonnie And Chica walk in*

Goose~ *yelling* THANKS FOR LEAVING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF NO- Is that the candy shop? STARBURST!!! *runs away*

*(once again spongebob narrator voice) Four hours later*

Goose~ uhh I don't feel so goo- *falls on floor*

Golden Freddy~ Goose! *runs over* what happened?

Goose~ uuuuhh my stomach...

Golden Freddy~ uh it's not one of "them" is it?

Goose~ *slaps Golden Freddy* NO YOU IDIOT I ATE TOO MUCH STARBURST!!

Golden Freddy~ *blushing and rubbing sore* oh. Ouch!

Goose~ >:(

*Bonnie and Chica walk in the restaurant*

Bonnie~ -looked EXACTLY like him it was insane!

Chica~ I've heard of owners looking like their dogs but this is just insane!

Goose~ *sprawled out on the floor* uuuuuhhhh....

Golden Freddy~ *ignoring Goose* so how'd it go guys?

Chica~ we were just talking about a dog we saw in there. Seriously, him and his owner could have been TWINS!

Bonnie~ not to mention my epic bowling skills.

Chica~ He lost.

Bonnie~ by only 12 points! A new record!

Golden Freddy~ did you do the eyebrow wiggle?

Chica and Bonnie~ ...... What?

Golden Freddy~ nothing never mind.


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