Oh Gawd... I dare Goose to go on a date with her favorite animatronic

43 3 6

Asker: dragoncheesecake

Goose~ first of all, thank you so much for being so supportive! And second of all, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DANG MIND. Ugh. I have soo many favorites. In style, I like Bonnie and Springtrap, but personality wise, Golden Freddy is my man. But he is my best friend so this could get awkward fast. Eh it's just a date. As long as he isn't like Robi this will be fine XD don't ask! Alright well I wasn't planning on going to the dinner anytime soon seeing it's almost closing time, but hey I bet they won't mind!

*a few seconds later*

Goose~ hey GF, are you here?

Golden Freddy~ sup girl?

Goose~ uh... *bluhing* I need you to go on a date with me.

Golden Freddy~ What?

Goose~ uh somebody dared me to go on a date with my favorite animatronic, so uh we need to go on a date.

Golden Freddy~ apparently I'm her favorite... You aren't making this up are you?

Goose~ *still blushing* I don't say I was dared to go in a date with somebody as a lie. Do you wanna stay here or get Orange Leaf?

Golden Freddy~ Bleh, I'm sick of the smell of pizza. Let's get some fresh air.

Goose~ alright. *presses teleportation button*

*GF and Goose teleport right outside of orange leaf*

Golden Freddy~ *opens door* After you, my good lady.

Goose~ Why thank you, my good sir. *walks sophisticatedly into the Frozen yogurt place*

Golden Freddy~ what are you going to get?

Goose~ umm.. Probably just plain vanilla and then pile up on toppings.

Golden Freddy~ XD what should I get? *staring at all of the flavors*

Goose~ you should get plain vanilla. I like it the most because you can pile toppings on it and you can make it taste EPIC. You can do the same with chocolate, I think, but i don't like chocolate frozen yogurt.

Golden Freddy~ I want caramel. I think I'll get plain vanilla and then put Carmel and brownies on it... I'm in seventh HEAVEN right now.

Goose~ dude, that sounds AWESOME. But I have awful tastes- I don't like Carmel either XD

Golden Freddy~ wait, you don't like chocolate ice cream, and you don't like caramel, but you love chocolate and twix bars?

Goose~ my taste buds are messed up ;9

Golden Freddy~ I'll say!

Goose~ *piles on chocolate chips, M&Ms, brownies, and Oreos* YESH GIMME DAT CHOCOLATE.

Golden Freddy~ CARAMEL. *pours Caramel on frozen yogurt*

Goose~ so for me to put it on wattpad, I have to record this. Awk-ward!

Golden Freddy~ *takes a bite* tell me about it.

Goose~ *takes a bite* oh my gosh I love brownies so much.

Golden Freddy~ i noticed ;D

Goose~ :P

Golden Freddy~ What do you do when you aren't in Gooseville?

Goose~ Hahaha! That's rare! I'm almost always in Gooseville, unless I'm eating dinner or at school. But when I am outside Gooseville. I normally draw. Mostly you guys.

Golden Freddy~ Do you ever draw me?

Goose~ well, I have a few times. But only during times I feel like coloring in, because you and Freddy look almost exactly alike.

Golden Freddy~ I guess that's true. *takes a casual bite*

Goose~ I also watch youtube. Even though I do most of my writing in Gooseville, sometimes I write. Like, just recently I started doing a pokemon themed journal. I don't know if it's any good though. *takes large bite*

Golden Freddy~ I like pokemon. I use to know a lot about it actually. Believe it or not, I owned all the gameboy advance games and some of the DS games.

Goose~ hmm, pokemon wasn't released in the 1980s, was it?

Golden Freddy~February 27th, 1998. That's the date it was released in Japan.

Goose~ ha, my sister always said good things came out of that year. It also happens to be the year she was born!

Golden Freddy~ Dang! That's pretty cool. *takes another bite*

Goose~ what do you do while the restaurant is open? Cause I know you don't preform.

Golden Freddy~ Normally I talk to Foxy. Sometimes I go talk to the animatronics in the Toy restaurant's parts and service room. It's pretty lazy, so whenever in not talking I'm pen paling a guy who lives in Mexico. I'm taking up Spanish as a hobby. Other than that, I like to yoyo.

Goose~ Dude! You like yoyoing? I COLLECT yoyos!

Golden Freddy~ I need to see THAT! You have to show me your collection.

Goose~ GF, I like showing my collections off to people. Come by anytime.

*a little later*

*walking back*

Goose~ sometimes I like to just walk around my world instead of teleporting. Everything is close by anyways.

Golden Freddy~ yeah.


Goose~ just so you now, I'm not planning on being your Gf. I just want to be friends.

Golden Freddy~ I know. I know you need friends.

Goose~ *eyes are watering a little* I'm just glad I'm use to holding in the tears.

Golden Freddy and Goose~ *side hug while walking*

Goose~ Gf?
Golden Freddy~ Yeah?
Goose~ I worry about me. My best friend is a figure of my imagination. I'm not even social anymore.
Golden Freddy~ it'll be ok. You know it always turns out ok.
Goose~ you know *gripping the grass* I haven't been outside in my own backyard for a few weeks now.
Golden Freddy~ we can hang out here anytime you want, Goose.
Goose~ *smiles* thank you so much, GF. Even when I'm older, I'll never forget you.
Mom~ *opens sliding glass door*Dani! Your lunch is ready.
Goose~ coming mom.
Mom~ *closes door*
Goose~ Bye Gf. See you in Gooseville. *gets up and walks to the door*

*looks back*

*staring sadly at Golden Freddy*

Golden Freddy~ *fades away*
Mom~ Dani, are you ok?
Goose~ yeah. I'm fine *closes door* thanks for lunch.

*arriving at the restaurant*

Goose~ Alrighty bro see you in the morning! I gotta finish the last part of the first dare!

Golden Freddy~ Oh gosh, I'm still laughing about the look Freddy's Face! XD

Goose~ pure HORROR! XD

Chica~ *sees the two of them* hey where were you two.

Goose~ *ahem* uh we were doing a dare.

Chica~ Really what was it?

Goose~ I have to go on a date withy favorite animatronic.

Chica~ ok then.. I'm glad you didn't take Bonnie.

Goose~ good to know...

Outroness! Ok I'm not going to outdo every single dare, but I just wanted to say this was a little deeper than I'm use to. Sorry if it wasn't exactly what you were hoping for, but I don't really like being romantic myself, I just like watching OTHERS be romantic. For all I car this was more of a bro date then a date date XD! As always, vote and comment! Baiiiii!!!

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