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When Tula and I didn't know each other we lived on different planets. They were galaxy's away from earth and I never would have thought I would fall for the princess of Yalu, but when Winter the princess of my home planet lied and caused a war between both of our planets I saw one of Yalu's most favorite head guard, Buttocks, kidnapping Tula. I did a stupid thing by getting involved, but it was worth it for she was alive. We defeated Buttocks once and many times over. He can't get it throw his thick head that he will never win.

Tula's father came to earth and took me back to my planet. For six months I had to run and hide from my own people. I felt lost and was lonely. Then one day I was caught for stealing a mango. Winter had a pleased look on her face, and I was surrounded by her guards that I threw the mango at her face. For that when I woke up in her donjon her father came in with four guards and a whip in his hand. That night I escaped and stole one of there ships. I had an unwanted passenger though. I fell asleep and when I woke up I saw that winter had taken control of the ship and we crashed on earth.

On earth we meet a girl named May. She had helped us with so much, I know Winter appreciated the help even if she didn't show it. When we went to mount justice I saw Tula again. She was with her old friend, Marco, who freaks out about everything. I still can't get over the fact that he was willingly helped Winter kidnap Tula and phenix, May was devastated. I had made a reptile friend, that I named Raptor. He helped us save Tula. I nearly died that day, but I was glad to see Tula safe. She even stayed after her father left with Marco and Winter.

I later on told her and May about a thing I have regretted all my life. When they left me I felt and didn't go back for three years. For those three years I had lived in a forest with my new friends Safire, Hikari, Kurai, Storm, Terra, Rex, Fang, Tiger lily, Shadow, and Nicky. They all ran away from something and had a missing friend that is named Jake. I hardly slept and if I did I would have bad dreams, and one day Tula and night wing with the team found me. I tried not to talk to them, but when Safire attacked me one night Tula found me by the lake and we talked some of the night away. Some time after that Buttock showed up and took Night wing, Tiger lily, and Athena. When we went to save them we saw Jake that was in a cage and looked like he was on his last rope of life. Then some time later Stella was kicked off the team because she was very upset about explosa and went to do some research own her own.

Well let me tell you what is going on now. I was stripped of my powers that kept me from dying. I am now slowly dying in the medical room at mount justice with nothing to do but try to stay alive until my friends can find a way to save me. I only hope it's soon.

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