Chapter 32

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Last chapter!!!!

Pitch POV

It has been a year since I got my powers back along with a few new ones. Nightwing and Stella are a couple again. Zephyr and her group went back to doing what ever it is that they do. Safire and Jake live in the forest sticking to what they have done for years. Storm, Terra, Tiger lily, Fang, Shadow, the twins, and Nicky are new members of the team.

Life is pretty much like it was before, except a few things. Tula and I no longer have to worry about Hunter cough cough Buttocks. I am less mean to others unless provoked. Oh and Tula and I no longer live at mount Justice. Yea we moved out when Lagoon boy provoked me to try out one of my new powers... let's just go with he was pink for quite some time.

We still help out the team every now and then, but it's more like Tula. Everyone new once I left mount Justice only way to get me back in there was if someone could knock me out and drag my unconscious body there, and actually had a way to keep me there to help. Though that's not happened because everything is quite calm and at peace on earth, so in other words I'm going to enjoy not having to fight for my life and just live a good long life with the only person I love, Tula.


Sorry that this chapter is so short. This book is finally finished and draws the end of my first series. Oh and I didn't put it on any of my other books but I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE DC CHARACTERS only Stella, Bear, Storm, Tiger lily, Terra, Tula, Pitch, Zephyr, Echo, Buster, May, Nicky, Safire, Jake, Fang, Shadow, Hikari, Kurai, Winter, Tulsa friend, Winters family, Pitchs family, Tulas family, Stella's family and friends, Mays family, Maxie, Buttocks, Angle, Pearl, Red, Sky, and any others that was in the series that I didn't mentioned that the people that belong to me and not DC. Hope you all enjoyed this book and much as I enjoyed writing it.

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