Chapter 11

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Pitch POV

I wake up to the sight of cell bars. I lift my head as far as it would let me go. All I was able to see without moving as much was a table with a few chairs, a broken lamp, a boarded up window, and papers up against the black wall.

"Ha ha ha!" Laughed someone.

I heard footsteps approaching me. I try to get in a sitting position, but it failed horrible. I knew that the person standing out of my sight was enjoying my failure.

"You are pathetic." A mans voice said.

"Well I'm sorry." I coughed.

"Boss, what are we going to do with him?" Another male voice asked.

"Might as well show ourselves to him first." The first person said.

I heard them walking around so I could see them. I thought I was going to roll over dead at the sight of Buttock standing right in front of me. I saw someone standing behind him that had a tattoo on his arm, and was pretty big for someone, he looked like he was trawling a knife in his hand.
I really want to ask who the guy was but didn't.

"Hunter, what are we going to do to him?" The guy said.

"Wait, who is Hunter?" I asked.

Buttock moves down to my eye level. I was able to smell his breath, and it made me want to gage.

"I'm Hunter, peasant." Buttock said.

He stands up and moves to open the cage. They walk in and I started to try and crawl away from them. I hate it that I can't fight back. I fell so exposed without my powers.

"Hahaha! Look at that Maxie," Hunter said," he's trying to crawl away."

"Not for long." Maxie said.

I felt one of them grab my foot, and was dragged back to them. Then there was a sharp pain shooting through my inter right leg.

"Agh!" I screamed.

"Now where is Tula?" Hunter asked.

"I'm never going to... tell you." I said.

"Fine." Hunter said.

I hear him move and he is then in front of me. His foot collides with my stomach. Pain shoots all through my body with the blow he gave me.

"Agh!" I yell with blood sliding down my mouth.

I just want my miso try to end. It doesn't though, no matter how much I want it to end they will never give me the pleasure of ending all the pain.


Wow I thought that I would never finish this chapter. I know it is not really long but it felt like I was never going to finish it. I would love it if you could leave me some suggestions on what the next chapter should be. I fell like you all are not really into the story's that I write and that is why no one leaves any comments. Please let me know if I'm wrong.

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