Chapter 19

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Pitch POV

I can feel myself getting weaker by the minute. I am fighting for my life, but I don't think I'll make it. Maxie and Hunter haven't been by for a while. Sitting in a corner I look out at the room. I see a mouse walking to a trap. I could tell it was hungry. Putting my hand threw the bars or the cage I grabbed a mouse trap that was placed next to the cage. Quickly grabbing the cheese off the trap I was able to keep it from snapping my fingers.

"Here." I whispered, as I tossed the small chunk of cheese to the mouse.

It looks at me then grabs the cheese and runs.

"Hang in there, Pitch." A soft voice tells me.

Slowly I drift into a trouble slumber.


Safire POV

After we met up with Jake and his group we all decided to stick together. We've been walking for a few hours.

"So did you guys see anything strange, like a person?" Beast boy asks.

"Yea, she was really confusing." Wonder girl said.

"Wait you met a girl?!" Batgirl asks.

"Yea, didn't you?" Blue beetle asks.

"No." Fang said.

Everyone was talking about random things while we walked in the meadow. It was really nice to feel the sun on my skin again. It brings me back to what my life was like before everything went chaotic. I don't really worry about that anymore because I have a new family and friends.

"So what did your person look like?" Kurai asks beast boy.

"Well he was old, had red skin, and a black beard." Beast boy said.

"What about you guys?" Batgirl asks.

"She was thin, with white hair, a long dress and it is whiter then her hair." Hikari said.

"Do you think they know each other?" Wonder girl asks out loud.

"Maybe." I said.

It was getting dark out so we found a place to rest for the night. Everyone found a place to sleep in a cave that we found. It wasn't going to be the most comfortable place that I've slept, but it will keep me dry if it rains tonight.

"Safire can you start the fire?" Jake asks.

I lit my hand and aim at the pile of twigs that we had piled up and had some rocks around them. When they started to catch fire I lowered my hand.

"Hey let's tell a story." Kurai said.

"Okay." Everyone said.

"Once a pond a time there was a group of friends." Hikari started.

"Then one day there was a bad storm, and everyone ran around screaming their heads off." Kurai added.

"But they didn't know that the storm was actually a big creature, that lived in the clouds, crying because it was all alone and was said that the friends didn't know that it was watching them have fun and not be by themselves." Beast boy put in.

"The next day the friends went out and started to yell at each other for no reason." Batgirl said.

"The cloud creature was upset that the friends was fighting so it leaves it home to go stop them from ruining their friendship." Blue beetle adds.

"But when it got to them they yell even louder then before. They was breaking the creatures heart with all the useless bickering." Shadow puts in.

"When they finally realized that the creature was there they judge it because it looked different from them and they went there own ways leaving the creature to be a lone on the ground far from its home and loved ones." Jake said.

"That's when the monsters home was attacked and when it got back nothing was left for it, so the creature left to find a new place to live," I said," but it never found a new home or the group of friends that fought with each other and died."

They all look at me as a give a small fake smile.

"That was a bummer, I thought it was going to have a happy ending." Beast boy said.

"Well it didn't."
I said shrugging my shoulders.


Here's chapter 19 sorry it's been slow at getting up. I've been trying to get my grades up so they looked good on my report card. I've just started my last nine weeks of school so I'll be out soon. I'll be able to write more and read more, if that is even possible for me I already read more then my entire classmates. Tell me what you all think of this chapter. Oh and if any of you are actually reading this part I had this chapter written on paper but had Nightwing in with the group that he wasn't suppose to be with so if I had put him in with Safire and them I didn't mean too, I just have to many characters some that don't belong to me in this book he is supposed to be with Zephyr and her group.

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