Chapter 6

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Zephyr POV

Ok I'm pretty sure that the people that have gone missing can't teleport, so where are they disappearing to. They only people that haven't disappeared are me, Echo, bear, May, super boy, Buster, M'gan, lagoon boy, aqua lad, Artemis, kid flash, bumblebee, super girl, Storm, Nicky, Terra, and Robin.

"Why is everyone disappearing?" Super girl asked.

"They aren't." A voice said.

We look up to see a tall man with gray hair, and blue eyes floating above us. When he lands I see that he is waring a blue stone on a string around his neck.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Sky, keeper and protector of the forest." Sky said.

"Well I'm Terra and they are Storm, Nicky, Robin, super boy, super girl, lagoon boy, aqua lad, bumblebee, kid flash, Artemis, bear, Buster, Echo, May,  super boy, and Zephyr." Terra said.

"I know who you are," Sky said," what brings you here?"

"We are looking for something that took our friends powers." Super boy said.

"Is it a something or someone?" Sky asked.

"We don't know all we know is there was voices and dead people from his past." Super girl said.

Sky was silent for sometime before he spoke again.

"Then you need to find these voices, but they are not here." Sky said.

"We know that." Terra said.

"Just go that way and you may find what you are looking for." Sky said pointing to a new path.

"What about the others?" I asked.

Sky looked at me then smiled while saying," you will all meet up again don't worry."

We went to the new path and Buster walked up to me with a big smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I think Sky likes you." Buster said.

I stared at him for a while before answering him.

"You lost your mind." I said, then walked away.


Pitch POV

I wake up to a noise outside my door. I was not able to hear what was going on and I wish I didn't see who had walked in. He had an evil grin on his face.

"I'm so glad that your not dead yet, peasant." He said.

"What do... You want." I asked.

"To make you suffer." He said.

I didn't know that someone had walked up to the bed, and when I did it was to late because everything was going black then there was nothing total darkness.

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