Chapter 5

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Safire POV

I look around and see that night wing and Tula have disappeared.

"Hey does anyone know where Tula and night wing went?" I asked.

Everyone was quite and looking at each other. I then see a odd looking tree and head towards it. I noticed that batgirl, Fang, and beast boy following me. They seem to be able to see the red and black tree as well.

We got closer and when I turned to see if the others were still where we left them they were gone!

"Hey what happened to the others?" Beast boy asked.

"I don't know, they was right there a minute ago." Batgirl said.

"I'm able to smell them still." Fang said.

"But there not here?" Batgirl said.

"Somethings are not able to be seen by the eyes." A deep voice said from behind us.

We turn around to see that the odd tree was no longer there, but an elderly man that was red with a black bread was standing there. He looked so familiar.

"What do you mean by that?" Beast boy asked.

"Your friend with the strong sense of smell is right the others are still there." The man said.

"What's your name?" Batgirl asked.

"I'm Red, protector and keeper of the forest." Red said.

"I'm Safire and these are my friends beast boy, batgirl, and Fang." I said.

"What brings you here?" Red asked.

"We are looking for something." Beast boy said.

"Is it something or someone that your looking for?" Red asked.

"That's kinda hard to explain." Batgirl said.

Red just looked at us like he knew why we was here.


Jake POV

I turn around to see that we was now missing Safire, Fang, beast boy, and batgirl.

"What is going on?" Super boy said," first Tula and night wing, now Safire, beast boy, batgirl, and Fang."

I was going to say something when I saw a white lake behind some trees. My head was telling me not to go over there, but I was being drawn to it. I noticed that I wasn't the only one. Shadow, blue beetle, the twins, and wonder girl was following me.

When we got to the lake the others had disappeared and a thin fog was setting in.

"What's going on?" Blue beetle asked.

"I don't know, but I don't like it." I said.

"Always the one to dislike something or someone fast aren't you." A voice said.

When the fog moved away from the lake we saw a thin white haired women. Her dress was long and whiter then her hair.

"Welcome to the forest what brings you here?" The woman asked.

"Looking for something." Shadow said.

"Something or someone?" The women asked.

We look to blue beetle who was the one that might know what we are really looking for. He shrugs his shoulders for an answer.

"What's your names?" The women asked.

"I'm Jake these are my friends Shadow, Hikari, Kurai, and blue beetle." I said.

"I'm Pearl keeper and protector of the forest." Pearl said.

"It's nice to meet you Pearl, could you help us?" Blue beetle asked.

"If you are worried about your other friends they are all safe." Pearl said.

"How did you know that we was going to ask that." Hikari asked.

"They have asked that same question to someone as well." Pearl said.

Now I'm really ready to get out of this place and leave. I may live in a forest but that doesn't mean I like all forests.

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