Chapter 12

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Zephyr POV

We have been walking down a path for at least an hour now and it has led us nowhere. I'm starting to think that Sky told us to go the wrong way. The others must feel the same. I've seen some of there faces, and they didn't look really happy.

"I think we are going in a circle." Buster said.

"Well let's stop and take a little brake." Artemis said.

We all found a place to sit and take a small brake. I went and sat on a rock. It moved under me when I say on it then the back of the cliff that I was leaning on disappeared.

"Ah!" I yelled as I fell backwards.

"Zephyr, are you ok?!" Echo asked.

"Yeah, and I think I found a secret passage." I said.

Everyone came to where I was at. They looked around at what we was able to see and it did look like it leads somewhere.

"Should we find out where it leads?" Nicky asked.

"Let me do something." Terra said.

She went a little further in and the ground began to shake. It stopped and she came back to us.

"There are passageways throughout this place." Terra said.

We walked out to discuss what we was going to do. I look at everyone as they talked. Then out of nowhere we all hear someone screaming. I jump to my feet ready for a fight.

"Look!" Echo yells, while pointing at the sky.

We all turn our faces to the sky and see night wing plummeting to the ground at a fast rate. Not thinking I run to a tree and jump on the side of it. Using my feet to push off I fell like I'm flying to my target. When I was close enough I grabbed night wing by the arm and use my cloak to teleport us to the ground safely. I sit night wing on the ground as the others moved over to us.

"Night wing what happened?" Super boy asked.

"Tula is missing, and a giant snake attacked me." Night wing said.

"We know that she is missing, you and the others went missing too." Robin said.

"No I was with her... Then she fell in a hole and it closed up before I could get to her." Night wing said, looking at Robin with an upset look on his face.

There was an odd silence after night wing told us what happened to Tula. I didn't like it, so I decided to break the silence.

"Where were you two when that happened?" I asked.

"Up the mountain." Night wing said.

"Well we found a hidden passage that goes into the mountain." Nicky said.

Night Wing's face lit up when he heard what Nicky said. We all went to the cave and Terra got in the lead. She was taking us deep in the mountain now.
  It was getting darker with each step we took in the cave. Then it was total darkness and there was a loud thundering sound deeper in.

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