Chapter 4

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Night wing POV

I notice Tula walking over to a flower and I follow. When she got close to it I noticed that it was a blue flower that looked like a rose and daisy combined with rainbow colored spots.

"What kind of flower is that?" I asked.

"I'm not shore." Tula said," I just fell like it doesn't belong here."

I nod my head in agreement and we both turn around to leave. We see that the others are not where we left them. They were gone.

"You two have broken hearts." A voice said.

We turn around to see that the flower was no longer there, but was replaced with a girl that had blue skin and rainbow colored hair and forest green eyes. She wore a dress made out of vines and other plants.

"Who are you?" Tula asked.

"I'm Angle, protector and keeper of this forest." Angle said.

"I'm Tula. And this is my friend night wing." Tula said.

"What happened to the others we were with?" I asked.

"They are safe." Angle said.

"Were are they?" I asked.

"You can't see them as they can't see you." Angle said.

I think about what she just said and let Tula do the talking.

"We're looking for something, could you possibly help us?" Tula asked.

"Are you looking for something or someone?" Angle asked.

"We're not really sure." I said.

"Normally the ones that are felling hurt can't lead, but follow there instincts." Angle said.

Tula and I look at each other in silence. How does this person know that we are hurting? I was about to ask when Angle says something.

"The ones you love are not here." Angle said.


Stella POV

I got to Wayne manner and Alfred welcomes me in. He escorts me to the living room I sit on the couch.

"Miss Stella, what brings you here?" Alfred asked.

"Just want to get away from my place." I said.

"Master Dick is not here at the moment so I'm your only company." Alfred said.

"That's ok, Alfred, I like it when I talk to you," I said," you don't yell when I say something wrong."

"Is something troubling you?" Alfred asked handing me a cup of tea.

"Not really." I said.

We talk for a couple of hours, before Alfred got up to take the tea pot and cups to the kitchen. I was really tired and didn't know that I was lying on the couch and I fell asleep.

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