Chapter 9

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Safire POV

Red told us that if we could pass some tests we would see our friends again. I just can't get over the fact that I know him from somewhere. I was in deep thought that I didn't see the tree that was right in front of me until it was to late.


"Ow!" I said.

I was on my butt rubbing my forehead.

"Safire, are you okay?" Batgirl asked.

"Uh, yea I'm fine." I said.

"Maybe if you was not distracted all the time you would see the sticking tree in front of you." Fang said.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

Batgirl and beast boy was looking at both of us as if we lost our minds. I got off my butt and faced Fang. Fang just took a step towards me.

"I'm saying that if you and the others never showed up Shadow and I wouldn't be in this mess." Fang said.

"Well I'm sorry, but life isn't always what you want." I said.

"Well I'm surprised that you and the others didn't get our hints that we never wanted you in our home, and telling us what to do!" Fang snapped.

I was taken aback at what he said. Shadow and him have only been kind to us that I never saw what they really felt.

"Well look no one is perfect, and to be honest I'm to used to people acting like someone there not, so get it through your thick head that I don't care what you say," I said," you should be at least happy that no one hunted you and your pack down and killed them all one by one in front of your very own eyes!"

They all took a step back. I just ignored what they did and walked off. I didn't want them to see me in my state. When someone says that there life is tough, I instantly remember all my friends and family being hunted and killed for no reason.

"Safire are you ok?" Beast boys voice asked from behind me.

Startled I turn around to see him behind me with a concerned look plastered on his face.

"I'm fine." I said sternly.

I didn't want anyone to know that I was upset, but I could see that I wasn't going to get him off my back if I don't tell him what's bugging me.

"Look I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Okay, can I just tell you something?" Beast boy asked.

"Sure." I said.

"My mom died in front of me." Beast boy said.

"Yea, that's nice to know." I said.

"You can tell me what's bothering you." Beast boy said." I can keep a secret."

"You don't need to know at the moment." I said.

With that being said I walk off, leaving beast boy behind me to look at my back as I walk away from him and frothier into my problems.


I don't remember if beast boy did see what happened to his mom or not. I do remember watching the young justice episode that may have shown it I just can't think on it. Please vote and comment.

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