Chapter 24

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Tula POV

Angle and I was in a open area in the woods while the others went to find my friends. It was two hours before they showed up with my friends.

"You guys are okay!" I shouted as I ran to them.

They all saw me and looked so happy to see me, and each other.

"Where the heck have you been?" Nightwing asks.

"In a cave with a giant talking snake that wanted to eat me, then with them." I said pointing over to Angle and the others.

"Sorry to interrupt, but there are things we need to discuss." Pearl said.

"Pearl, let them talk." Red said," they haven't seen each other for a while."

"Sorry, but they were separated into groups." Pearl said," I don't see why they need to talk to each other."

"Yes, but Tula only had Nightwing before the mountain separated them." Angle said.

"Can I say something?" Sky asked.

"What is it?" Pearl asks.

"Well they were all being drawn to the mountain, right?" Sky asks.

"Yes, what's that got to do with anything?" Red asks.

"I think we need a bit more privacy before we can continue." Angle said.

I saw them walk to different spots and than the grass started to disappear as the ground started to shake. The next thing I knew was walls of rock started to climb out of the ground. Then there was a stone table in the center of the area. It was completely dark once a stone sealed us from the sun.

"What's going on?" Beast boy asks.

"This is so unwanted ears can't listen in on what we are discussing." Red said.

"Why in the dark?" Echo asks.

"Hang on." Angle said.

As if on cue balls of fire appeared out of thin air, lighting up the dark room that we are in.

"Better?" Pearl asks.

"Much." Echo said.

"Now about the mountain, why bring that topic back up now?" Red asks.

"They were being drawn to it." Sky said.

"So." Pearl said.

"So, nothing been drawn to it for sentries." Sky said," the last time anything was drawn to it was when the animals and plants needed help getting rid of the people that was destroying their homes."

"That doesn't explain anything Sky." Pearl said.

"Hang on he may have a point." Red said.

Shocked Pearl glared in Red's direction. I was able to sense the tension rising from the two.

"What are they even talking about?" Superboy asks.

"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with us." Bear said.

"We should never have listened to them." Echo said.

"Whys that?" Zephyr asks.

Everyone started to argue about what was going on and what they should have or haven't done.

"Shut up!" I shouted.

It became very quiet after I yelled.

"This is not helping anyone, the longer we wast time Pitch will be closer to death." I said.

"Who's Pitch?" Angle said.

"He's a friend that lost his powers and is dying." Nightwing said.

"Sky do you remember what your father told you about the mountain?" Red asks.

"Red your as old as him, why ask me?" Sky asks.

"Do you remember or not!" Red shouted.

"Yea, sort of." Sky said." Something to do with healing capabilities at the very top of it."

"But what about the snake?" May asks.

"That's why nothing goes to the mountain, not even us." Angle said.

"Yes, Sky's father would still be alive if that snake wasn't always making it hard for creatures to get to the top." Pearl said.

"Wait how old are you guys anyway?" Wonder girl asks.

"Red is almost 600, I'm 452." Pearl said.

"I'm 35, and Sky is 16." Angle said.

"Why is Sky younger then the rest of you?" Nicky asks.

"We'll answer that later you have a friend that needs to be saved from death." Sky said.

In a split second the stone walls, roof, and table disappeared and a fresh breeze blew the trees leaves.

"Ahh!" Echo screamed.

"What?" I asked.

She didn't say a word just pointed at a little light gray mouse. Angle walks over to it as we just look at Echo.

"I can't believe your still scared of mice." Zephyr said.

Angle walks over to us with an unhappy look on her face.

"Is your friend Pitch, pale skin, black hair and eyes?" Angle asks.

"Yea... why?" I ask.

"He's in the forest." Angle said.

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