Chapter 4: Nice To Meet You

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(A/N: I'm super tired but I'm gone still write this chapter. Enjoy :) 😄

Chapter 4

Justine's Pov:

"Jamie Meyers please." I shouted at the nurse. "Excuse me ma'am, what is your relation?!" The nurse asked me. "I'm her mother." I told her. "Okay room 125." She said. "Okay thank you." I said.

I rushed to room 125. As soon as I found It, I barged right in. I saw Jamie sitting up on the bed and the doctor putting a bandage around her head.

"Oh my god baby are you okay, how did this happen?!?!" I asked her. "Yes mommy I fine, my head just hurts a lil. I feel of the monkey bars during recess." Jamie said. "Oh my god I'm so glad your okay." I told her. I hugged and kissed her all over her face while she just giggled.

When I looked over, I saw the doctor staring at me. "Thank you so much for helping my daughter Dr-" "Crippen, Dr. Crippen." "Yeah thank you so much." I told him. "It was no problem, I'm always willing to help out the kids and besides I couldn't have this lil cutie hurting all day." He said while pinching her cheeks, and she giggled.

I smiled at him. As I looked at him, I realized he was one beautiful man, but I know he's just like the rest. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called. "Mrs. Meyers, are you okay?!?!" Dr. Crippen said in concern. "Oh yeah I'm sorry and it's Ms. Meyers, I'm not married." I told him. He smiled at me and said "I'm sorry Ms. Meyers." "It's fine." I said back. After that he just gave me all of the medicine I'm suppose to give Jamie.

I turned to Jamie and asked her if she was ready to go and she said "No mommy, I want to go play with the kids in the play room." "Umm, I'm not sure sweetie, I think we should go home so you can get some rest." I told her.

"It's okay Ms. Meyers. Actually it's good that she doesn't go to sleep for a few hours, she might get a concussion." He told me. "Oh okay, I guess you can, but only for a few hours okay." I told Jamie. "Otay mommy." The she ran off to the other kids. Now I'm standing here alone with Dr. Crippen.... Great.

Craig's Pov:

As soon as Ms. Meyers walked through the door, I couldn't help but look at her beautiful face. And you wanna know the good thing about her... She's not married. Now I'm standing here next to her while we watch the kids play around.

"Um Ms. Meyers, do you want to come to my office so we can talk a lil bit more about Jamie's head? I probably should give you some more information that way you'll know exactly what to do. I also need to give you her next doctor appointments." I told her.

"Um sure." She said. Then we walked to my office and started talking about all of the things she needed to do for Jamie and all of her next appointments. After we we're finally done talking about everything, I wanted to get to know her a lil better.

"So Ms. Meyers, how bout you tell me a lil bit about yourself?" I asked her. "Okay well what do you want to know?" She asked. "Everything, haha." I said as I chuckled. She laughed a lil, and it gave me tingles all over. "Okay, I'll tell you everything." She said.

"My whole name is Justine Marie Meyers, I'm 21 with a 4 year old daughter, duh, haha anyway and I'm... Well... I'm living with my best friend because I was evicted from my apartment for not paying rent for 3 months in a row, but it's not my fault. My job barely pays me a thing and I'm just struggling so badly and my best friend and daughter are all I have and I don't want to rely on my best friend for to long cause I hate doing that and I'm just so.... Ugh I have the worst life ever. My daughter is the only thing keeping me up." She said while now crying. I was a lil shocked. They way she carried herself, you'd never know she was carrying these type of emotions. I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

"I'm so sorry for pouring my feelings out like that, I just really needed to get that off my chest, I'm sorry." She kept apologizing. "Ms. Meyers, there's no need to apologize. I understand that your struggling, it's ok." I told her.

"Really, you don't think I'm just some crazy, psycho girl that's pouring out her feelings to someone she just met." She said. "No, I think your a beautiful, young woman that's going through struggles like everyone does. Now wipe those tears off that pretty face of yours." I told her while handing her some tissue. She smiled while grabbing the tissue. Man this girl is beautiful and her smile is out of this world.

About an hour later we finally left my office so her and Jamie could go home. As they we're walking out the door, Justine turned around and said "Thank you for the talk and everything, it was nice speaking to you Dr. Crippen." "Call me Craig and your welcome." I said. "Okay Craig and that reminds me, you never told me about yourself." She said. "Oh well maybe I can tell you all about myself over dinner." I said while giving her my sexy smirk. "Um no thank you. You might have been sweet this whole time but I know your game. Your no different from the others." She said with a scowl. My smile dropped after she said that. I was gonna comment back but she had already walked out the door and left.

I'm not like them other guys, and I'm gone show her I'm not, even if it's the last thing I do.

A/N: So how y'all liked that. I was gone finish and post this last night but I was to sleepy. Looks like Justine don't want no man, she just turned him straight down lol. Poor Craig, she won't give him the time of day. Lets see what Craig gone do to change her expectations on him. ;) 😉

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